  • 學位論文


The Effect of Cooperative Online Inquiry Learning on Metacognition

指導教授 : 黃雅萍


本研究目的在探討教學者在電腦網路探索的課程中,實施二種不同的教學策略,對國中學生在運用後設認知策略之影響。以新北市某國中九年級共69名學生為研究對象,實驗組接受「小組合作網路探索學習」;對照組接受「個人網路探索學習」二種不同的教學策略,進行為期六週共六節課的教學研究。本研究的資料處理與分析採用準實驗研究法,以「後設認知策略量表」的後測分數來進行單因子共變數分析,考驗兩種不同教學策略在後設認知策略上的差異;並蒐集教學日誌紀錄,觀察學生課堂反應,使用單元學習單,課後訪談等質性資料作彙整,以佐證研究結果。根據量化統計研究結果分析,歸納以下結論: 一、小組合作網路探索學習策略對學生的後設認知策略運用,整體表現優於個人網路探索學習策略。 二、小組合作網路探索學習策略,對學生的後設認知策略中「計畫」面向運用與個人網路探索學習策略並無顯著差異。 三、小組合作網路探索學習策略對學生的後設認知策略中:「學習監控」、「理解監控」、「調整修正」、「評鑑檢核」等四個面向的策略運用,優於個人網路探索學習策略。 質性資料彙整後亦發現:學生皆認為小組合作確實能增進自己思考的策略運用,藉由小組的分工合作能提升學習的主動性及對探索任務的完成度,實驗組學生皆表示喜歡藉由小組合作方式進行學習,而對照組學生則希望再有類似課程時能以小組合作的方式進行學習。


The present study aims to investigate the influences of two different teaching strategies adopted by teachers for the curriculum of computer and online inquiry on junior high school students’ utilization of metacognition strategies. The subjects were 69 ninth graders of a junior high school in New Taipei City. Two different teaching strategies – “online inquiry cooperative learning by group work” and “online inquiry learning by individual work,” were used on the experimental group and the control group respectively to proceed with a teaching research on six classes for six weeks. The quasi-experimental research was adopted for data processing and analysis in the study. The posttest scores from a “metacognition strategy scale” were used for one-way ANCOVA to see the differences between the influences of the two teaching strategies on metacognition strategies. Furthermore, teaching logs were collected to observe how students responded in class. Qualitative data such as worksheets and after-school interviews were compiled and archived in support of the research results. Based on the quantitative statistical analysis of research results, conclusions have been summarized as below: 1. The strategy of “online inquiry cooperative learning by group work” facilitated students’ utilization of metacognition strategies more than the strategy of “online inquiry learning by individual work” in terms of overall performance. 2. The two learning strategies showed no significant difference in students’ use of the “planning” skills among metacognition strategies. 3. The strategy of “online inquiry cooperative learning by group work” facilitated students’ strategy utilization of the four skills, i.e. “learning monitoring”, “comprehension monitoring”, “regulation” and “evaluation” in metacognition strategies more than the strategy of “online inquiry learning by individual work.” After qualitative data were compiled and organized, it was found that all students thought that group work could indeed enhance their utilization of thinking strategy. Group work and cooperation can improve students’ proactive learning attitude as well as degree of completion for exploration assignment. Students in the experimental group said that they liked to learn by group work; while students in the control group hope that they can learn by group work for coming similar courses.




