  • 學位論文


A Study of Design and Development of Metacognitive Scaffolding for Online Inquiry Module

指導教授 : 黃雅萍


線上探索學習的方式興起,學生透過網路雖然可尋找到大量的資訊,但卻無法有效的分析、整合資訊,造成了網路學習缺乏效率、學習成效不佳的問題。固有學者提出引導學習者在線上探索學習時的後設認知運作,以提升學生針對所蒐集之資料能加以分析、整合、活用所學。本研究目的為開發一「線上探索學習鷹架輔助後設認知」(簡稱OIMS)問題精靈、提示按鈕等機制,搭配ScrapBook之功能,期望協助使用者在進行線上探索時,能引導其後設認知運作。為達此研究目的,研究採設計本位研究法(Design-Based Research)進行,透過文獻探討設計OIMS紙本,邀請兩位專家與三位使用者進行評鑑,依照評鑑結果修正OIMS系統,待系統完成後,再次邀請不同的三位使用者進行個別評鑑。 本研究將後設認知輔助鷹架與其他輔助鷹架配搭使用,實踐由結構式鷹架到無結構鷹架的設計。而由使用者評鑑結果看來,OIMS之設計能協助使用者於搜尋前設立目標、搜尋方向,搭配ScrapBook的功能,讓學習者於閱讀網路資源時,更容易評估、調整學習。使用者評鑑中也指出系統中的部分設計與ScrapBook的操作障礙造成困擾,研究者整理評鑑結果,最後提出系統修改建議。 本研究採質化研究方式,雖能深入探討使用者後設認知運作,但推論性不足,期待未來研究者能以其他研究方法進行相關的研究。本研究認為,新世代使用者在處理網路大量資訊的後設認知架構似乎已與過往調查的資料有些許誤差,未來的研究者可對此議題進一步探討。另一方面,Web2.0的概念是透過網路社群來建構知識,這樣新穎的學習歷程中後設認知又扮演了什麼樣的角色呢?值得後面的研究繼續加以探討。


Online inquiry learning is popular nowadays. Though students can reach plenty of information through internet, many of them have difficulties to analyze and integrate information which they navigate on the web. Learning through the web often causes the problems of lacking efficiency and learning effects. Some scholars mentioned that meta-cognition is important during the process of online inquiry learning, because the ability of meta-cognition is helpful to analysis, integration and application of information. This study develops an Online Inquiry Meta-cognition Scaffolding (OIMS) module to help analyze and integrate information while during the online inquiry learning process. This study utilizes Design-Based Research to design and develop a scaffolding module, and evaluation is executed as well. In this study, two experts and three students are invited to evaluate the first edition of the module. Based on evaluation results, second edition of this module had produced, and then three students are invited to evaluate the second edition. This study found out that OIMS not only can help learners to set the search goal before they start searching the information, but can also help learners read the information more carefully. There are some suggestions proposed for future studies. First, quantitative research is suggested for measuring the effect of meta-cognition scaffolding. Second, the traditional analysis of online inquiry learning may not suitable to the e-learning 2.0 generation since the way they utilize information is quite different with the people before the 2.0 era. Finally, the technology of web 2.0 can help virtual communities construct knowledge better. It will be interesting to investigate the virtual community’s meta-cognition process during their social communication and learning processes.




