  • 學位論文


The Study of The Crimea’s Place in Ukraine-Russia Relations and Ukraine’s Home and Foreign Policy(1991~2009)

指導教授 : 馬良文


論文提要內容: 在歷史的發展過程之中,烏克蘭與俄羅斯的關係錯綜複雜,烏克蘭長期在不同民族的統治之下,缺乏了自身民族特性也沒有所謂的民族獨立,因此在蘇聯時期戰略地位並不突出。然而就在蘇聯解體之後,位居於俄羅斯與歐洲國家中樞位置的烏克蘭,其特殊地緣位置改變了整體的歐洲地緣態勢,戰略地位也日趨顯著。在這樣的情況之下,烏克蘭的外交政策走向深受國際之關注,甚至在俄羅斯與西方國家之間形成了角力。 獨立後的烏克蘭,在內外政策的制定之上首重鞏固國家主權與領土完整性,而此刻與俄羅斯之間所爆發的克里米亞議題爭端嚴重的阻礙了這項原則。1954年2月蘇聯方面以紀念烏克蘭和俄羅斯合併300週年為由,將克里米亞以「禮物」的形式贈予了烏克蘭,這樣的舉動在烏克蘭獨立之後立刻出現了爭議。烏俄雙方對於克里米亞半島的爭奪僵持不下,後續所衍生出來的半島分離運動、黑海艦隊分配問題、賽瓦斯托波爾租約等問題,不但衝擊了烏克蘭國內局勢的安定,也使烏俄關係蒙上陰影,甚至在烏克蘭與西方國家關係的拓展上也不得不受到此因素的牽制。近來北約組織東擴的觸角延伸向了烏克蘭,烏克蘭總統尤申科堅持入約的立場使克里米亞問題再次受到激化,半島俄裔居民對於尤申科加入北約政策強烈反對。 筆者在此論文將會分析烏克蘭對克里米亞政策的歷史演變過程。關於克里米亞自治共和國的地方歷史發展和自治特性也會詳實研究,藉上述研究點出克里米亞在烏克蘭內外政策中之地位。本研究的結論中指出尤申科政府的親西方政策與西方試圖取得克里米亞的控制權是失敗的,且整個烏克蘭的政策措施都必須要再次進行改制。近來烏克蘭新的議會與總統的選舉結果出爐之後,已著手進行整體政策上的改變,而未來烏克蘭的對外走向將會特別引人注目。


Abstract: The relations between Ukraine and Russia have always been quite complicated with many thorny issues for both sides. Ukraine until 1991 had neither political independence nor clear national identity and was not considered an important factor in the political strategy of the USSR. But after the collapse of the Soviet Union Ukraine suddenly gained strategically crucial position between Europe and Russia. As a result, Ukraine’s foreign policy was heavily influenced by various external factors. The main goal of Ukraine’s policy became the strengthening of her sovereignty and territorial integrity. The status of Crimea has quickly become the main issue in the political tug-of-war between Russia and Ukraine. Crimea has been literally handed over by Russia to Ukraine (at that time both autonomous republics in the USSR) in 1954 as a gift commemorating 300th anniversary of their “eternal friendship”. This event immediately sparked the controversy after 1991. Within Crimea, whose absolute majority of population is Russian, a separatist movement emerged. Another issue was the Russian naval base in Sevastopol. The NATO’s eastward expansion and president Yushchenko’s willingness to join the block further aggravated situation. The Russian population of Crimea strongly protested against anti-Russian politics of Yushchenko. The author analyzes the historical evolution of Ukraine’s policy in relation to Crimea. Crimean local development, including the nature of the autonomous Crimean republic is also studied in detail. This research leads to the conclusion that pro-western policy of Yushchenko’s government and the latter’s attempt to secure a firm control over Crimea has failed and the whole setting of Ukraine’s politics must be “reloaded”. This in fact is happening after latest parliamentary and presidential elections. Ukraine’s trend of foreign policy especially will be noticeable in the future.


Crimea Ukraine Russia NATO


Zbigniew Brzezinski 著 楊成緒 譯,大棋局,上海:人民出版社,1998年。


