  • 學位論文


A Study on Brand Strategy:The Case Study of UNIQLO

指導教授 : 任耀庭


在全球化時代,企業必須透過品牌策略建立有知名度的品牌才有競爭力,唯有以品牌持續創造獨特性、凸顯特色與差異化,追求進步才能在競爭環境中脫穎而出。近年來受到世界經濟不景氣的影響,消費者紛紛傾向選擇平價、高品質的服飾,按照自己的想法,自由搭配穿著。因此全球開始盛行快速時尚(Fast Fashion)的服飾品牌,透過不斷創新商品的流行度與機能性,提供多樣化的選擇,少批大量生產,降低成本來增加營收。   日本第一服飾品牌UNIQLO為了實現成為世界第一服飾品牌的目標,宣布將在2020年達到50億美元的銷售額。因應各國平價服飾的崛起,UNIQLO必須發展具有競爭力的品牌策略。因此本研究以UNIQLO的品牌形象、品牌定位、品牌策略為主軸,探討其品牌策略的競爭優勢。   企業訂定品牌策略時,除了考慮行銷管理的層面,更要讓消費者產生共鳴。本研究透過UNIQLO商品研發,可知UNIQLO提供附加價值高的商品受到顧客歡迎。產品主打簡單、舒適,不過隨著服飾產業競爭激烈的情況下,消費者的選擇也跟著變多,相較之下會讓消費者認為UNIQLO的商品缺乏設計感,因此UNIQLO招聘「創造時尚流行的人才」是未來趨勢。     本研究所獲結論為:(一)UNIQLO未來品牌策略可朝商品在地化發展,製作保留UNIQLO風格又能符合當地需求的產品,並與其他企業合作研發更多環保型商品。(二)提升人才的國際化程度,強化海外市場各國的行銷策略,並與當地平衡文化衝突或是生活習慣等各種因素。(三)利用科技化,建立更完善的資訊系統,整合全球UNIQLO事業。 關鍵字:UNIQLO、品牌策略、國際化、全球化、在地化、快速時尚


In the epoch of globalization, enterprise must develop a competitive brand strategy effectively. Only through brands continuously create unique, highlight the features and differences on products, pursue continuous improvement, thus can stand out among the competitive environment. In recent years, affected by the world economic downturn, consumers are likely to choose affordable, high-quality clothing, according to their own ideas, free with wear. Thus began the global prevalence of Fast Fashion apparel brand. Through innovative product popularity and functional, providing a variety of options, small batch production at reduced costs to increase revenue. The first Japanese clothing brand UNIQLO, as to become the world's first apparel brand, had announced its sales to reach $ 5 billion in 2020. To confront with the rise of cheap and parity clothing from other countries, UNIQLO must develop the competitive brand strategy. Therefore, UNIQLO brand image, brand positioning and brand strategy are the main focal point of this research. When the enterprise develops its brand strategy, except to consider marketing management, also needs to grasp consumer’s preference and recognition. While researching on UNIQLO merchandise, it was found that UNIQLO high value-added goods are highly welcomed by customers. Its flagship product is simple and comfortable. The fierce competition in the apparel industry has brought more choice for consumer, and leaded the consumers to think UNIQLO lacks a sense of design. Therefore UNIQLO will recruit professional talent to create new fashions, styles and designs. The conclusions of this research are : (1) UNIQLO future brand strategy should be not only globalization but also "merchandise localization". UNIQLO should retain its design style, but also satisfy the needs of customer from different countries. UNIQLO should also cooperate with other enterprises to develop more environmental friendly products. (2) Enhance the sense of internationalization for UNIQLO staff. Balancing and adjusting according to cultural conflict and living habits of consumers from different country. (3) Using new science and technology, UNIQLO has to build a simultaneous information system, and integrate global business. Keywords: UNIQLO, brand strategy, internationalization, globalization,localization, fast fashion


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