  • 學位論文


The Study to Explore the Experiences of Married Males Living with and Taking Care of Elderly Parents

指導教授 : 郭瓈灔


本研究主要探討已婚男性以共同居住的方式奉養老年父母之經驗。採用詮釋現象學方法論做為本研究的研究方法,共邀請三位已婚男性作為研究參與者,嘗試理解的問題如下(1)與老年父母同住的決定因素為何?(2)與老年父母同住的經驗為何?(3)與老年父母同住過程中會有哪些壓力與困境?又面對這些壓力與困境,是如何做出調適及因應?(4)與老年父母同住過程中感受最大的價值為何?研究結果顯示: 一、決定同住的因素 決定同住因素的考量在現實層面上還是不脫離經濟因素、空間因素以及是否有交換的需要;但在情感面上,過去華人社會著重父母與長子同住的現象似乎沒有過去濃厚,子代會尊重親代的情感需要來做安排。另外值得留意的是,是否同住的因素上還需要考量子代夫妻之間的權力關係以及親代對於自己老年生活的規劃。老年父母是否與子女同住在現代社會已並非是單向的討論,而是由親代與子代在各項考量之後共同決定的結果。 二、同住的經驗 在同住的經驗上,首先探討的是夫妻次系統。由於本次研究參與者的配偶都為職業婦女,父母的主要照顧者都是研究參與者本人,因此過去許多研究中所談及由配偶來擔任主要照顧者而產生的問題在本研究當中是較少呈現的;另外在手足次系統的互動上,依循著過去良好親子關係的基礎,手足們在與研究參與者的互動上是頻仍、緊密的。另外對三個研究參與者的孩子來說,阿公阿嬤的同住給予的經驗感受都是好的、也提供成長者的。 三、過程中會有的困境及壓力,是如何調適及因應? 因應家庭發展週期的不同,所面臨到的主要困境為親子教養以及排行序為家中的第二個男孩卻需要成為父母主要照顧者的不平衡心理;另外還有面對父母老化所挑起的對於父母以及自己「死亡與存在的焦慮」。 在調適及因應方面,教養上的落差由研究參與者擔任「中間人」來削弱對三代之間的影響力;在非為長子卻擔任父母主要照顧者的角色上,各自以同理與轉念的方式來消融不平衡感受,並在心理漸次增強由自己擔任主要照顧者的準備度。最後,在被喚起的生死焦慮,最終都以「遇到了就面對」的哲思來作為因應。 四、同住過程中感受到的最大價值 因應家庭發展週期的不同,研究參與者在感受同住價值的階段上也有不同。首先是能夠讓父母「含飴弄孫」的喜悅;更進一步則是對於透過同住陪伴父母變老,提供反哺、回饋的孝行終極價值。另外,也由於可以真實地陪著一個老人「變老」,在其中得以開啟思考自己的老化準備以及死亡準備之歷程。 最後經由本研究的結果與建議提供後續研究者與諮商實務工作者建議。


The main purpose of this study is to explore the experiences of married males living with and taking care of elderly parents. The research methodology is interpretation phenomenology and there are three married male participants in this study, intending to understand the following questions: (1) What are the factors deciding to live with elderly parents? (2) What are the experiences living with elderly parents? (3) What are the pressure and difficulties during living period? How to adjust and overcome those difficulties? (4) What is the most valuable experience during living period? The results of this research indicate as below: 1. The factors of deciding to live together: The factors of deciding to live together consider the practical level as economic, space factor and the need of exchanging. In affection perspective, it is less important to arrange the eldest son to live with parents in Asian community. Now, children take parents’ opinions to arrange it. Also, it should be considered about the power between couples’ and parents’ life plans. It is not one way thinking about if elder parents live with children in modern society but consider every element and decide it together. 2. The experiences of living together: In the experiences of living together, the first discussion is couples subsystem. In this study, participants’ spouses are all career women and main caregivers are participants themselves so it less presents for the problems that occur on wives being main caregivers. Otherwise, the sibling’s subsystem bases on good parent-child relationship so the interaction between participants and their siblings is frequent and close. Furthermore, participants’ children have good experiences living with grandparents. 3. How to adjust and overcome difficulties: According to different family development cycle, the main difficulty comes from the second son’s unbalanced feeling to be parents’ caregiver. In addition, participants have to face death anxiety and existential anxiety aroused by parents’ aging. In the way of adjusting and overcoming, participants as intimidators weaken the effects between three generations under the educational discrepancy. Not being the eldest but the main caregiver of parents, eliminates unbalanced felling by empathy and mind-changing. Consequently, participants use philosophy thinking as “facing it, dealing with it “ to adapt death anxiety. 4. The most valuable experience during living period: With different family development cycle, participants have different feelings on the value of living together. First, grandparents have happiness by playing with grandkids. In addition, company parents when they are getting older and show appreciation. Furthermore, with company elderly parents getting older, participants have chances to prepare the aging and death process of themselves. This study provides research result and suggestion for the following researchers and therapists


married males elderly parents nourish way


