  • 期刊


Intergenerational Ambivalent Experiences of Couples: "His" Ambivalent Experiences? "Her" Ambivalent Experiences?


本研究目的欲瞭解子代男性與女性代間矛盾經驗內涵。本研究採用質性研究及配對研究法,訪談五對夫妻共十位受訪者,整理出不同性別的代間經驗,並呈現出彼此觀點相同及相異之處。研究發現如下: 對子代男性而言,婚後對原生家庭成員所產生的「被看重與責任」、「心有餘而力不足」的矛盾;以及與岳父母相處時所產生的「努力融入岳家,卻仍有情感區隔感」、「自我意願與角色規範的矛盾」及糾結在原生家庭與婚姻家庭間「忠誠衝突」是最明顯的共通經驗。 對子代女性而言,婚後對父母與公婆產生「文化規範與現實情感」不一致的矛盾;與公婆相處所產生的「自我意願與角色規範」為難,與同住長輩所產生的「依賴與自主」、「連結與衝突」的經驗,是最常被提到的矛盾經驗。 研究者針對前述研究結果加以討論,對彼此相同相異之處加以說明,對本土代間關係的意涵作探究,並提出對未來研究的建議。


The purpose of this research is to investigate the intergenerational ambivalent experiences of married male and female descents. In-depth interview of qualitative approach and paired research method were adopted. After interviewing 10 participants in five couples, the similarities and differences of their intergenerational ambivalent experiences were integrated. The major findings are summarized as following: For a male descent, he felt contradictions of “being trusted or taking responsibility” and “wanting to do but hasn’t enough ability to do” when he had interactions with his original family. He made effort to merge into his wife’s family, but they did not view him as one of them’ and he had contractions of “self-willing or role norm” when living with his parents-in-law. Finally, He had “loyalty conflicts” between his original family and his married family. These phenomena are the most evident common experiences. For a female descent, she felt contradictions of “culture norm or affectionate intimacy” when she had interactions with his parents and parents-in-law. She had contractions of “self-willing or role norm” when living with her parents-in-law. Finally, she had “loyalty conflict” between different family systems. These phenomena are the most common intergenerational ambivalent experiences of female descents. The contributions of the results are discussed and further researches are also suggested.


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