  • 學位論文


A study of marital relationships in extended families

指導教授 : 趙祥和


本研究主要在於探「三代同堂家庭婚姻關係經驗之探究」,主要研究目的如下:一、了解三代同堂家庭夫妻婚姻關係之經驗內涵;二、探討三代同堂家庭夫妻婚姻關係之困境與挑戰;三、探討三代同堂家庭夫妻之調適與因應。 本研究以質性研究深度訪談之方式,透過夫妻對偶資料蒐集,並以「主題分析法」進行資料分析。試圖從夫、妻的角度建構更具系統性的三代同堂家庭婚姻關係樣貌,訪談對象包含4對三代同堂家庭夫妻,其研究結果如下: 三代同堂家庭代間關係對婚姻關係之影響,其影響分別為「家庭成為家族樞紐:姻親對於婚姻關係之影響」;「夫妻是蹺蹺板的支點:同住父母對於婚姻關係之影響」;「父居模式強化了父權體制:居住模式對於婚姻關係之影響」。另一方面,三代同堂家庭夫妻婚姻關係之困境,包含了夫妻共同知覺之家庭生活困境為,「代間關係遠香近臭之困境」、「夫妻喪失家庭生活空間自主權之困境」、「婆媳衝突之困境」、「照顧父母責無旁貸之困境」;另一部分則是夫妻間落差所引起的婚姻關係困境,分別為,「難以獨立與被迫孤立:家庭關係落差之困境」、「丈夫孝順的責任,妻子親密的渴望:家庭界限落差之困境」、「丈夫經濟的壓力,妻子家務的重擔:家務分工失衡之困境」、「不願改變與難以改變:傳統性別角色認定衝突的困境」、「同住與不同住:未來是否繼續三代同堂家庭模式」。 面對以上困境,分別進一步針對「夫妻共同因應」、「妻子的因應方式」「丈夫的因應方式」。研究結果發現夫妻之因應方式呈現出明顯的性別差異,大多數的妻子均採用自我調適與改變的因應方式居多,而期待上一代或丈夫改變時,也以柔性表達自我需求,以及間接的方式為主。而丈夫的因應方式則主要以要求父母或妻子改變的因應方式居多。此外,妻子的因應方式相較於先生更受到婚姻關係的品質影響,當妻子在婚姻關係中得到較多的支持,並且與先生之間的看法較為一致時,在代間關係中一方面會採取較多元的因應方式來尋求代間關係的改善,另一方面,面對代間衝突與婚姻衝突時,也具有較大的包容與緩衝的心理調適空間。 本研究亦針對以上結果進行討論,並提供建議。 關鍵詞: 三代同堂家庭、婚姻關係、代間關係、主題分析法


The purpose of this study was to investigate “the experiences of marital relationships in extended families”. The main research goals included (1) to understand the domestic dynamics and marital relationships among couples in extended families, (2) to investigate difficulties of marital relationships among couples in extended families , and (3) to examine the adjustments and adaptations of those couples who live within extended families. The study employed a qualitative research method by conducting detailed interviews, collected data from married couples, and analyzed data based on thematic analysis. The study attempted to construct a more systematic description of marital relationships in three generation families from different points of views of a husband and a wife. The interviewees included four couples from extended families. The research results were as follow. The effect of inter-generation relationship within extended families on marital relationships. The influences included: “the household becomes the center of the entire family: in-laws’ effects on the marital relationship,” “couple becomes the fulcrum point: effects of parents on the marital relationship,” “due to living with husband's parents, male dominance in the marital relationship is further potentiated. The effects of family living style on marital relationship”. The couple’s dilemma within a three generation family. The difficulties that are recognized by both husband and wife are: “married couple living with parents are more prone to conflict than those who live independently ,” “couple loose the autonomy in the family,” “conflicts between wife and mother in law,” “obligations of taking care of parents.” Another part was the dilemmas of marital relationships resulted from differences in perspectives between husband and wife. These included “the dilemma of differences in family relationships, which was the conflict between difficulty to be independent and forced isolation,” “the dilemma of differences in family boundaries, which was the conflict between husband’s responsibilities of filial obedience and devotion and wife’s desires for intimacy,” “the dilemma of imbalance in workloads of house chores, which was the conflict between husband’s financial pressure and wife’s heavy workload of house chores,” “unwilling to change or hard to change: the dilemma of the conflicts between the traditional roles between different sexes,” “live together or not to live together: whether to continue the three generation family dynamic in the future,” Targeted on the different scenarios mentioned above, I further examined the following adaptive methods of “couples face hardship together,” “wife’s adaptive methods,” “husband’s adaptive methods.” The results show that sex plays a significant role in the individual’s response to different hardship scenarios. Most wives would adjust self attitude toward the situation in order to adapt and solve the problem, as well as employing a gentle and less direct approach when trying to request for changes on husband’s or older generations’ end. On the other hand, the husband’s approach would target on expecting the parents or wife to change. Furthermore, the wives’ approaches are comparatively more affected by the quality of the marriage. When the wife has more support in a marriage and has more level opinion with the husband, her adaptive approaches towards the inter-generation relationship would be more dynamic, and would be more positive when disagreements occur inter-generation or in marriage. Key words:extended family、marital relationship(s)、intergenerational relationship(s)、thematic analysis


