  • 學位論文


The Study on Community Service-Learning of Junior High School in Taipei County

指導教授 : 黃炳煌


本研究旨在調查台北縣立國民中學社區服務學習課程之實施現況及與課程結合之情形,並分析不同背景變項,在推行本課程上是否有差異,進而了解目前所面臨之實施困境,以提出適當之因應策略提供教育相關單位、人員、社區及後續研究者之參考。本研究採量化研究設計。以台北縣立國民中學相關教育人員為研究對象,進行隨機取樣問卷調查。經回收資料統計分析後,獲得以下結論: (一) 台北縣立國民中學推動社區服務學習之實施與現況正在進步中。 (二) 台北縣立國民中學推動社區服務學習與課程結合度尚待加強。 (三) 不同性別、不同教育程度、不同服務年資的教師對服務學習的實施現況無顯著差異性存在。 (四) 不同職務、是否接受專案補助的背景變項之教師對服務學習的實施現況有差異存在但未達顯著。 (五) 不同性別、教育程度、服務年資的教師僅在課程設計或課程統整方面出現少部分差異。 (六) 不同職務、是否接受專案補助背景變項之教師在知覺服務學習與課程結合各個面向上均有較大的差異性存在。 (七) 教育人員們認為在推行時所遇到最大的困境是無適當時間可以安排、缺乏相關資訊分享與經驗交流以及專業知能不足。 (八) 在因應策略方面,主要認為應該協助家長及社區的積極參與與支持,其次認為應該增列經費及協助教師加強融入課程設計的能力。 根據研究結論,提出以下具體建議: 壹、對教育主管機關的建議 一、 確實評鑑,落實政策;二、大力宣導,經常宣導;三、引進資源,多方補助。 貳、 對學校行政人員的建議 一、 行政主導,造福學生;二、多元設計,完善規劃;三、人力配置,時間善用;四、取之社區,用之社區;五、廣結善緣,多贏局面。 參、對學校教師的建議 一、 認同趨勢,行動配合;二、參加研習,增加專業;三、走入社區,擴大生活;四、研究教案,結合課程。 肆、對社區的建議 一、 主動釋放資源,配合發展;二、妥善運用人力,先苦後甘;三、多方提供補助,用之於斯;四、培養今日勞工,未來主任。 伍、對後續研究者的建議 一、 擴大研究範圍;二、擴大研究對象;三、擴大研究方法。


Abstract: This study is focus on the investigation of implement status, curriculum integration and the difference analysis of the different background variables on“Community Service –Learning of Junior High school in Taipei County”. The major purpose is to find out the proper solution as well as suggestion on the current implement difficulty, that could offer the information and reference to the relevant education department, people, community and future researcher. The research paper uses materialized research design. The subjects are the related educational personal in junior high schools in Taipei County with random selected individuals. The conclusions derived after retrieving and analyzing all the data are as follows: 1. The implement of Service-Learning of Junior high school in Taipei County is improving. 2. The curriculum integration and implement Service-Learning of Junior high school in Taipei County need to be improved still. 3. There is no outstanding difference between the implements the Service-Learning and difference sexual, education background, teachers’ seniority. 4. There are some differences but not outstanding enough between the implement of Service-Learning status and the teachers’ different job nature as well as with/without project training. 5. There is a little difference between the curriculum design/integration and different sexual, education background and teachers’ seniority. 6. There are outstanding differences between awareness Community Service-Learning with curriculum integration and teacher’s different job nature, with project training. 7. The major difficulty of implement is including that there is no suitable timing for arrangement, little relevant information and experience sharing as well as the professional knowledge shortage. 8. The first solution strategy is to invite parents and community to stand for and involve more aggressively. The second solution strategy is to increase the budget. The third solution strategy is to help teachers to improve their curriculum design ability. According the thesis research conclusion, there are some suggestions as below: 1 The suggestion for the education management institutions: 1.1 Review accuracy and policy fulfillment. 1.2 Strongly announcement and continual announcement 1.3 To get more resources in every way. 2 The suggestion for the people of school administration 2.1 To strong leading and to benefit students. 2.2 Diversified design in a mature planning. 2.3 Best manpower organization planning and to well organize the schedule. 2.4 To get the resources from the community and feedback to the community. 2.5 To get the every supports, to get the win-win prospects. 3 The suggestion for the teachers 3.1 To identify the trend with the action plan. 3.2 To improve the professional skill through more study and research. 3.3 To involve the community activity and expand the lifestyle. 3.4 To research the teaching project and to integrate the curriculum. 4 The suggestion for the community 4.1 To release the resources and to match up the development in community. 4.2 Well manpower management. 4.3 Fully support the projects and get the feedback from them. 4.4 To training the employee for the future plan. 5 The suggestions for future researchers. 5.1 To expand the research scope. 5.2 To increase the research variables 5.3 To broaden the research method.




