  • 學位論文


China's counter-terrorism strategy

指導教授 : 王高成


中國以新安全觀指導反恐行動,在戰略手段上,注重標本兼治,強調運用政治、經濟、軍事、外交、文化等多種方法,從根本上消除貧困,解決矛盾。在反恐行動中,軍事力量是必要的,但僅有軍事手段絕對不夠,單純仰賴武力,很難從根本上消滅滋生恐怖主義的溫床。 就中國反恐戰略的優勢而言,在推動反恐政策上的高度自主性,使其擁有制度層面的優勢,而在法治建設上構築法律規範的多樣性,為反恐戰略本身提供名義上、法理上的保證,再加上中國本身所具備的強大武裝力量,具備足夠的軍事實力維持一定程度的戰略安全,並且在這些良好的基礎之上,使得中國的反恐戰略取得對外交涉的優勢。 本文採取「戰略研究途徑」,針對中國反恐戰略的目的、方法、手段進行研究,並且深入探討中國反恐戰略之運作機制。經由本文之研究,可以發現中國為了實踐其反恐戰略所設定的目的,在思想層面以互信、互利、平等、協作為核心的「新安全觀」,作為中國反恐戰略的指導原則,奉行「與鄰為善,以鄰為伴」的概念,積極推銷睦鄰、安鄰、富鄰的政策主張,藉此取得對中國有利之反恐戰略環境。同時將反恐戰略結合中國的外交政策,積極參與各項反恐外交活動以及國際組織建制,輔以各項國際反恐條約,舉行反恐軍事演習,配合國內的反恐立法過程和洗錢防制工作,強化打擊「三股勢力」之正當性。種種作為,對內,除了可以彰顯中國政府的反恐決心,掃蕩「三股勢力」保護國家安全,對外,更可以名正言順地取得相關議題之話語權,增加中國的國際影響力與整體形象。


New security concept to guide China to counter-terrorism operations, in the strategic means focus on treating the symptoms, emphasizing the use of political, economic, military, diplomatic, cultural and other methods, virtually eliminating poverty and resolve conflicts. In the campaign against terrorism, military force is necessary, but definitely not the only military forces, simply rely on force, it is difficult to fundamentally eliminate the breeding ground of terrorism. China's advantage in terms of counter-terrorism strategy, China has the high degree of autonomy of counter-terrorism policy that China has the advantage of the institutional , and in the rule of law and build on the diversity of legal norms for the nominally counter-terrorism strategy take the de jure assurance, furthermore China has a powerful armed forces , it has sufficient military strength to maintain a certain level of strategic security, by these good foundation, making China's counter-terrorism strategy to achieve the advantages of foreign representations. The "strategic research approach" will be used in this thesis, on China's counter-terrorism strategy purpose, methods, means to study and explore in depth the operation of China's counter-terrorism strategy mechanisms. according to the research of my thesis, we can find China on purpose of counter-terrorism strategy in terms of ideology based on mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality and cooperation as the core of the "new security concept", as China's guiding principle of counter-terrorism strategy, to stick the concept of "building friendship and partnership with neighboring countries", actively promoting harmony, security and prosperity to neighbors of the policies and proposals, to obtain beneficial to China's counter-terrorism strategy environment. then, counter-terrorism strategy with China's foreign policy simultaneously, actively participate in counter-terrorism diplomatic activities as well as international organizations, supplemented by the international counter-terrorism treaties, and held the counter-terrorism military exercise, with the domestic counter-terrorism and anti-money laundering work of the legislative process, strengthen against the "three forces" of legitimacy. All as, not only highlight the China government's determination of counter-terrorism to against the "three evil forces" and protect national security internally, but also justifiably get more relevant issues of the right to speak to increase China's international influence and the overall image externally.





