  • 學位論文


Philippines' South China Sea Policy

指導教授 : 陳鴻瑜


近年來油價高漲,非再生能源的日漸耗竭,全世界對於探勘新油源的渴望日漸昇高。南中國海地區自1970年代以來相繼開採,石油能源蘊藏豐富,而海洋東南亞國家裡,菲律賓乃距離我國最近的國家,兩國互動密切,菲律賓一舉一動,皆會對我國的利益造成影響。本論文焦點集中在三方面:菲國在南沙島礁領土之擴張、石油和漁業資源之開發、南海安全與軍事部署。   根據1898年美西條約之規定,南沙群島並不包括在菲國領土內,菲國為攫奪這些島礁,除了在1970年代出兵佔領南沙部份島礁外,在1978年透過總統命令將南沙島礁納入其版圖,並將之改名為「卡拉揚群島」。1996年,為了美濟礁而與中國發生齟齬,進而使用海軍艦艇衝撞中國漁船,釀成沈船事件。本文將論述菲國此一行動之過程及其對區域情勢之影響。菲國之所以覬覦南沙群島,主要原因是該地生產石油和天然氣,菲國從1970年代即開始在該地區探勘,至今已有數個油氣井正式投產,對菲國石油和天然氣具有重要意義。本文將探析菲國近年在該一地區的礦物探勘活動。菲國跟其他東南亞國家一樣為了保護其在海上的天然資源,除了禁止外人開發外,亦尋求軍事保護。近年菲國進行海軍軍備現代化,購置若干艦艇,巡邏沿海地帶。這些艦艇主要部署在南海地區,防止外人入侵。此外,菲國亦對中業島上的機場進行維修建設,加強空軍飛機在該一海域的巡邏。   本論文提供菲律賓最新的漁業與石油資源資源,並就最新南海局勢做探討,希望能提供同為海洋國家之台灣,一個可供比較之政策範例。


菲律賓 南海


The prices of Oil have risen up in recent years. Non-renewable energy resources are gradually depleted. The desire of the world exploration for new oil sources increase. Since the 1970s, South China Sea region have been mining, oil-rich, the Philippines, marine Southeast Asian countries, is the nearest country from Taiwan. There is the close interaction between these two countries. Every decision that The Philippines makes will impact on the interests of Taiwan. This paper focuses on three aspects: Philippines’ expansion in the Spratly Island, oil and fishery resources development, and security and military deployment in the South China Sea. Under the 1898 Treaty between Spain and United States, the Spratly Islands are not included in the Philippine territory. Through presidential decree, Spratly became their territory in 1978, and was changed its name to "Kalayaan Islands." The Philippines has coveted the Spratly Islands, the main reason for oil and gas production, where the Philippines began the exploration in the region from the 1970s. The Philippines with other Southeast Asian countries in South China Sea, in order to protect its natural resources, prohibit the development of outsiders and seek military protection. In recent years, the modernization of Philippine Navy, the acquisition of a number of ships, is patrolling the coastal zone. These ships are mainly deployed in the South China Sea region to prevent the invasion of outsiders. Also, the Philippines build on the island airport maintenance, and strengthen the Air Force in a sea patrols. This paper provides the latest data of Philippine fisheries and oil resources, and the latest situation in the South China Sea, hoping to provide the comparison example to Taiwan, which is also a marine country.


South China Sea Philippine Oil Navy Fisheries


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