  • 學位論文

WCO SAFE架構下跨境貨物的監控與追蹤管理

The Tracking and Tracing of Cross Border Cargo Under WCO SAFE Framework

指導教授 : 蔡政言 孫嘉祈


過去,國際間各項貿易與關務合作,都以致力於促進國際貿易通關便捷、提高物流與供應鏈管理效率、降低成本為目標,然自2001年美國發生911恐怖攻擊事件後,貨物保安及供應鏈安全的議題就開始受到重視。世界關務組織(WCO)乃針對國際物流供應鏈之作業特性,於2005年提出WCO SAFE架構,透過關與關、關與業者之合作,確保貿易安全的前提下,逐步達成無縫隙之供應鏈管理;並藉由資料在各活動之間交換的透通性下,促成跨境貿易之便捷的需求。 2012年WCO更提出「供應鏈連結」(Supply-chain Connectivity)的年度主題,WCO強調海關應於境內、區域乃至全球等各個層次領域,強化與其他政府機關(OGAs)與相關業界之協調、合作與交流,藉由供應鏈與邊境管理相關公、私部門關係夥伴間之協同合作,改善供應鏈管理、加強邊境安全、並得以達成貿易便捷之目標。 根據2012年WTO的最新統計,2011年我國商品貿易之出、進口排名分別為全球第17及第18名,出、進口金額分別占全世界比重1.7%與1.5%。可見我國經貿與進出口貿易之密切關係,更不能自外於國際社會發展。本研究即從WCO SAFE架構下,就跨國供應鏈透明度,與供應鏈資訊的應用,探討如何藉資通訊技術(ICT)在管理機制與管理技術上的應用,實現WCO SAFE架構下的貿易便捷與安全外,並試以前瞻角度探索透明供應鏈的建立方法。為能強化我國競爭優勢,本文於進行美國、歐盟推動經驗比較後,於第5章提出: 1. 採用CBRDM為基礎資料模型,提高跨境貿易資料在商業、運輸與跨境管理各面向之可用性; 2. 運用現代化科技方法,建立無縫蒐集資料程序,提升供應鏈透明度; 3. 積極運用中央資料庫內容,建立服務型單一窗口,推動運籌服務業發展。 等數項應有助於安全與便捷供應鏈建構方法的建議,或可作為我國相關機關推動跨境貨物之監控與追蹤管理之參考;並得以逐步達成「發展台灣為東亞海空運樞紐」之長期政策目標。


Before September 11, 2001, the goal of the cooperation of international trade and customs governance is effort to increase the convenient of international trade, to improve the efficiency of logistics and supply chain management, reduce costs. After the 911 terrorist attacks the cargo and supply chain security issues began to be taken seriously. WCO SAFE was proposed on the basic characteristics of international logistics supply chain's operations in 2005, through the cooperation of Customs-Customs and Customs-Business, to ensure trade security of the premise, and gradually reached gapless of supply chain management. By the transparency of information exchange between the various activities, contributed to the demand for convenient cross-border trade. WCO also proposed “Supply-chain Connectivity” as the annual theme of 2012, stressed that the customs should strengthen the coordination, cooperation and dealing with other government agencies (OGAs) and the related industries in the fields of domestic, regional and even global level through a collaboration between the supply chain and border management-related public-private sector relations partners, to improve supply chain management, to strengthen border security and trade facilitation goals are fulfilled. According to the latest WTO statistics, in 2011, the export and import value amount of Taiwan are ranked as 17th and 18th, the export and import value amount occupies 1.7% and 1.5% in worldwide, respectively. This presents the importance of the import/export trade to Taiwan’s economic, and why Taiwan cannot be outside in the development of the international community obviously. This study studies the relationship between the security of global supply chain and the transparency of the global supply chain on the base of WCO SAFE framework, and the application of information and communication technology (ICT) in the safety of supply chain management of WCO trade facilitation, on a forward-looking perspective and try to explore the establishment of a transparent supply chain. After the Comparison of Taiwan, United States, the European Union’s related experiences, this study prompt the suggestions in chapter five for strengthen Taiwan’s trade and logistics competitive advantage as: 1. CBRDM based data model, to improve cross-border trade in the availability of information in the commercial, transport and cross-border management-oriented applications; 2. Use of modern technologies to establish the seamless information collection procedures to enhance the transparency of the supply chain; 3. Make good use of central database which gathered the data from customs, harbor/airports administrations, and the other government agencies with the service-oriented single window, to support the logistics services development. The above could be referenced by the relevant government departments to increase the performance of cross-border cargo tracking and tracing, which may also contribute to construct a safe and efficient supply chain. To reach the long-term policy goal of "To developed Taiwan become key air/seas logistics hub of East Asia" in phases.


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