  • 學位論文


The Influence of Metacognitive Strategy Instruction on Listening Comprehension, Metacognitive Awareness, and Listening Anxiety: A Case Study of High-Grade students in Elementary School.

指導教授 : 張義雄


隨著雙語教學在台灣的重視,政府更是推動「2030 雙語國家政策發展藍圖」其中,為了強化國中小英語聽力能力,國中小的英語課堂也將落賓全英語教學授課。因此,英語聽力對於即將升上國中的高年級國小生來說將是一項必備的能力,而教學有效的聽力策略也能使學生降低對英聽的壓力。本研究旨在探討透過後設認知聽力策略教學對國小高年級學生的聽力理解、聽力焦慮以及後設認知的影響。 本研究採實驗設計法,將10位來自台灣北部國小高年級的受試者分為實驗組(5人)以及控制組(5人)兩組。為期六週的實驗教學,一週兩堂課。實驗組每週進行後設聽力認知教學,在教學間,研究者會使用後設認知聽力學習單引導學生該如何應用後設認知策略。控制組則是使用傳統聽力教學模式。 本研究包含質化和量化的混合式方法進行研究結果分析。其研究工具包括:(1)劍橋聽力理解測驗;(2) 個人背景問卷;(3) 後設認知聽力問卷;(4) 外語聽力焦慮問卷;(5) 訪談紀錄。研究使用SPSS 22.0 中的描述性統計、獨立/成對樣本t檢定,及ANCOVA來分析學生的測驗分數以及問卷填寫狀況。結束實驗後,研究者對實驗組的受試者進行半結構式訪談,了解學生在策略學習過程中的想法。 研究結果表示,在經過後設認知策略教學後實驗組在聽力測驗成績高於控制組,並且有顯著差異。在後設認知察覺方面,實驗組對於策略知識對比控制組有顯著進步,尤其是在心譯的面向。聽力焦慮方面,控制組焦慮程度並無顯著降低,而實驗組在接受教學後的焦慮程度有顯著降低,特別是在聽力焦慮以及分析能力兩個面向。在訪談中,學生表示後設認知聽力策略對他們在單字及課文的聽力理解有幫助,同時也增加對後設認知的理解,不過還是會對自己的聽力能力感到沒有自信心。依據此研究結果,本研究提供一些後設認知聽力教學的建議。


With the emphasis on bilingual education in Taiwan, the government is promoting the "2030 Bilingual National Policy Development Blueprint", which includes the teaching of English as a second language in elementary and middle schools to strengthen students' English listening skills. Therefore, English listening is a necessary skill for high-grade elementary school students who will soon enter junior high school, and effective listening strategies are also necessary. The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of listening strategy instruction through metacognition on upper elementary students' listening comprehension, listening anxiety, and metacognitive awareness. An experimental design was used to divide 10 participants from north Taiwan high-grade elementary schools into two groups: an experimental group (5 participants) and a control group (5 participants). The experiment was conducted for six weeks, with two classes per week. The experimental group was training metacognitive listening strategy instruction each week with worksheet guidelines. The control group used traditional listening instruction. This study included both qualitative and quantitative mixed methods to analyze the results of the investigation. The instruments included: (1) listening comprehension test, (2) background questionnaire, (3) metacognitive awareness listening questionnaire, (4) foreign language listening anxiety questionnaire, and (5) interview. Descriptive statistics, independent/paired sample t-tests, and ANCOVA in SPSS 22.0 were used to analyze students' listening scores and questionnaire responses. At the end of the experiment, semi-structured interviews were conducted with subjects in the experimental group to understand students' thoughts on the strategy learning process, such as their anxiety level on the listening comprehension test and their awareness of metacognitive strategies. The results of the study indicated that, after the metacognitive strategy instruction the experimental group scored higher than the control group on the listening test, and there were significant differences. In terms of metacognitive awareness, the experimental group showed significant improvement in strategy knowledge than the control group, especially in factor of mental translation. For the listening anxiety, there was no significant decrease in anxiety in the control group, while the experimental group showed a significant decrease in anxiety after instruction, especially in the areas of listening anxiety and analytical ability. During the interviews, students reported that the metacognitive listening strategies were helpful in their listening comprehension of vocabulary and text, and increased their understanding of metacognition, although they still did not feel confident in their listening ability. Based on the findings of this study, this study provides some pedagogical implications for metacognitive strategy instruction.


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