  • 學位論文


The Opening of Chinese Capital to Taiwan and its Effects on the Development of Taiwanese Semiconductor Industry

指導教授 : 林宜男


台灣自1991年就已開放民間企業至中國大陸投資,然直到2009年台灣才開放陸資來台;在這長達20年的時間,不論是台灣的資金、技術、人員等資源都只有單向往中國大陸之流動,造成兩岸投資極不對等之現象。 2009年6月底開放第一波陸資來台,截至2014年3月底已歷經了三階段的開放,累計投資的件數為597件,投資總額約8.77億美元。開放陸資來台近五年的時間,其直接來台投資的成效並不如預期,其主要原因仍在於台灣開放的腳步仍較為緩慢,且對半導體、能源等高科技產業開方多所限制。而中國大陸目前對外投資主要的投資項目以能源、高新科技、半導體等相關產業為主,因此目前陸資來台投資的動力仍略顯薄弱。 中國大陸近年來將半導體相關產業視為國家重點發展產業之一,除積極吸引相關外資到中國大陸設廠投資,更積極鼓勵對外投資政策,台灣半導體產業更是中國大陸積極爭取投資的目標之一。未來對於陸資在積體電路製造業、半導體封裝及測試業等關鍵產業,也必將循序鬆綁及有條件之開放 因此,本研究參考南韓及新加坡對於外人投資的相關獎勵政策與中國大陸經貿往來合作關係,作為台灣開放陸資各項架構策略之比較。開放陸資來台投資利弊皆具,半導體產業持續的研發及發展是非常之昂貴,台灣應該善用陸資的資金,透過兩岸產業分工,使台灣半導體產業利用中國大陸的資源與優勢,促進台灣經濟及產業的發展,更可將國際經貿網絡進一步向外延伸。


開放陸資 陸資來台 半導體


Taiwan government had authorized the domestic industry doing investment in China since 1991. However, the Chinese capital is not allowed to do investment in Taiwan until 2009. From 1991 till now, no matter it is capital, technology or talent, there is only one-way investment from Taiwan, not the other side, which resulted in the unbalanced investment between Taiwan and China. From June, 2009 to March, 2014, Taiwan had gone through 3 stages of opening investment for Chinese capital. Until now, the accumulated investment cases are 597, with around total USD 877 million capitals. Nevertheless, it is not the expected result for this almost 5 year investment open-up policy. The major reason is Taiwan government is slow and hesitates in the opening of Chinese capital investment in high technology industry such as semi-conductor and energy industry which restricted the willingness of Chinese capital coming to Taiwan. For these years, China government puts major focus on development of semi-conductor related industry. Both inbond and outbond investment are encouraged by China. Taiwan semiconductor industry is one of the key investment items which draw many attentions from Chinese capital. Therefore, the policy to Chinese capital investment in semi-conductor manufacture and related assembly and testing shall be opened up gradually and conditionally. The purpose of this thesis is bringing out the comparison, which is referring to South Korea and Singapore inbond policy and China economy cross-strait relations regulation, as Taiwan’s reference in making policy toward Chinese capital investment. For sure, there will be Pros and Cons for releasing the bar of Chinese capital investment. However, the capital of continuous development in semi-conductor related industry is extremely high. Under this circumstance, Taiwan shall conditionally leverage the Chinese capital in semi-conductor related industry and have further cross-strait cooperation no matter in market, supply chain or talent which will help Taiwan enhance the industrial development and explore the global market share.


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一、 中文書籍
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