  • 學位論文


A Study of Relationship between the Recognition of 12-year Public Education Policy and the Reason of Choosing Senior High School of Junior High School Students in New Taipei City

指導教授 : 薛雅慈


本研究旨在探討新北市國中生對十二年國教政策理念之認同度及擇校因素之研究,並提出研究結論與建議,期能提供教育主管機關、學校教師及高級中等學校招生之參考依據。本研究回顧過往文獻,建立研究架構,採用問卷調查法,以「新北市國中生對十二年國教政策理念之認同度及擇校因素問卷」作為研究工具,研究對象為新北市公私立國民中學學生,總共發出問卷704份,回收689份,有效問卷回收率達97%。 本研究之結論如下: 壹、新北市國中生普遍認同十二年國教政策理念(M=3.26),以「入學方式」的認同度最高。 貳、八年級的新北市國中生對「課程與教學」、「宣導」、「入學方式」層面的認同度高於九年級 叁、偏遠地區的新北市國中生對「適性輔導」、「宣導」層面的認同度高於一般地區 肆、影響新北市國中生的擇校因素以「學校優質化」程度最高。 伍、一般地區的新北市國中生受「學校聲望」因素的影響較偏遠地區高 陸、中小型學校的新北市國中生受「交通便利性」因素的影響較大型學校高 柒、優先選擇高中的新北市國中生受「學校聲望」因素影響較優先選擇高職及五專者高 捌、新北市國中生對十二年國教政策理念之認同度及擇校因素呈正相關


The purpose of the study was aimed to explore the relationship between the impacts of the Reasons of Choosing Senior High Schools for junior high students in New Taipei City and the Recognition of 12-year Basic Education Policy. Based on the conclusions, some suggestions were offered for the educational authorities, the institutes for teacher education.To achieve the research purpose, the self-designed survey questionnaire on this topic was administered to collect pertinent data. The subjects in the study were junior high school students from public schools in New Taipei City. A total of 704 questionnaires were distributed, 689 questionnaires returned, with a return rate about 97%. According to the above mentioned, some conclusions were inducted as follows. 1. There was a widespread recognition of 12-year Basic Education Policy for Junior High School Students in New Taipei City, especially on the he ways of entering Senior High Schools in Twelve-year Basic Education. 2.The eighth-graders had higher acceptability on recognition of curriculum and instruction, advertisement, and the ways of entering Senior High Schools than the ninth-graders in New Taipei City. 3. The students in remote districts had higher acceptability on recognition of curriculum and instruction, advertisement, the ways of entering Senior High Schools than the students in general districts in New Taipei City. 4. The students in New Taipei City perceived school excellent actualization the highest. 5. The factor of Senior high school reputation effected junior high school students in remote districts more than in general districts in New Taipei City. 6. The factor of convenient communications effected junior high school students in large-scale schools more than in medium and small-scale schools in New Taipei City. 7. The factor of senior high school reputation effected students choosing senior high school more than choosing vocational high school in New Taipei City. 8. There were positive significant correlations among all dimensions of the recognition of 12-year Basic Education Policy and the Reasons of Choosing Senior High Schools to junior high school students in New Taipei City.


