  • 學位論文


Reused Smartphones Pricing Analysis─A Duopoly Model Analysis with respect to Apple and Samsung Smartphones

指導教授 : 曹銳勤


生活於科技日新月異的現代,人手一支手機的情況已經非常的普遍,近年來更因為智慧型手機的發明,使用手機的年齡層往上下延伸。看準了這些龐大的市場,眾多的廠商崛起。為了滿足眾多消費者的需求,也為了與各家廠商競爭,手機每年都在推陳出新,環境已經漸漸無法負荷每年龐大的科技垃圾量。為了解決這個問題,很多人都提倡不要浪費資源,比如:購買二手手機。這樣未使用完全的科技垃圾量就能夠減少,消費者為自己省下荷包的同時,也為環保盡一份心力。 本研究以手機雙占企業─蘋果公司和三星公司為例,計算出兩家公司在賽局關係之下的二手手機定價模型。本研究使用了Cournot賽局模型求出最佳解,將蘋果公司設定為「領導廠商」,而三星公司為「跟隨廠商」的腳色來進行定價競爭,兩廠商皆以自身利潤最大化為基準做出定價策略,最終兩廠商定價函數將會有一交點,則其解為最佳均衡解,進而得到了兩廠商的二手手機定價模型,以做為整個市場以及消費者的參考依據。


As technology advances, multi-touch smartphones have rapidly become a necessity in the daily lives of most users. In order to expand their market share and attract new users, new generations of smartphones are being introduced in a much shorter interval. As a result, older phones are discarded in greater speed, and thus creating more electronic waste each year. To reduce waste material, the concept of reused smartphones is proposed. In order to attract users to purchase these reused smartphones, this study aims to look into the pricing strategy for Apple and Samsung products as both are top smartphone brands with the highest market shares. Under the duopoly environment, this study uses the Cournot game model to determine the optimal solution in a price competition with Apple set to be the ‘leader’ and Samsung the ‘follower’. While making pricing strategies, manufacturers commonly strive to maximize their profits. Two pricing functions will have a point of intersection, and the solution will be the optimal equilibrium. The model proposed in this study may be taken as reference for manufacturers to understand the reused smartphone market.


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