  • 學位論文


The Study of the Management Strategy on Taiwan Hand-Drip-Brewing Coffee Market - A Case of YT Coffee

指導教授 : 林江峰


台灣近年來的飲食文化,慢慢的都在不知不覺中漸漸的改變,甚至開始因為國際化的關係,不論是吃的還是喝的,都有著很大的改變,從一開始隨處可見的手搖杯店,賣著各式各樣的茶飲品,一直到街頭巷尾可以見到的泡沫紅茶店,接下來慢慢出現著普通簡單的咖啡小店,然後再到精品咖啡店的誕生,隨著台灣人的工作習慣轉變,飲食習慣也跟著轉變,由一天一杯茶的開始不知不覺的轉變成了一天一杯咖啡的變化,對於喝咖啡的要求也漸漸的越來越講求快而簡便,由原本到咖啡館才能品嘗一杯咖啡,演進到了現在隨處可見的便利商店也可以很快速地購買一杯咖啡,喝咖啡似乎已經變成了每個人每天的一種生活習慣,但是在這講求效率的時代中,我們是否忽略了我們是人,而不是機器,也是需要休息更需要品味生活的,能在早晨中用一杯美好的咖啡喚醒自己一整天需要的精神與活力是必須的,如果是這樣的一杯咖啡,是否就該讓身體品嘗一杯很有價值的咖啡呢。   市面上的咖啡種類百百種,如何堅持做好的咖啡就成為在龐大市場上如何站穩自己一席之地的關鍵,一杯好的咖啡就要從咖啡豆的產地開始在意,更要有著一整套完整且良好的製造流程才可以使著咖啡本身的風味得以保存新鮮,並且不會失去原有的口感。   本研究將指出YT公司本身對於咖啡本身的堅持與為了讓大家能一邊品嘗美好的咖啡,還能夠達到養身的目的,並且藉著本研究指出目前咖啡市場上的變化與未來可能的發展變化,讓人對於品嘗咖啡有更深一步的了解與更豐富的知識。


In recent years, Taiwan's food culture changed slowly and gradually .Because of internationalization, whether to eat or to drink have changed a lot. From the bubble tea shop you can see everywhere, selling all kinds of tea drinks, to ordinary coffee shop, and then the birth of boutique coffee shop. With Taiwanese change work habits, they used to drink tea to start the day, now gradually transformed into a cup of coffee. Originally we have to go to the cafe to enjoy a cup of coffee,Now convenience stores can buy coffee, emphasis on quick and easy .Coffee seems to have become a lifestyle for everyone, but in this era, we ignore that we are human being, not robot, we need to take a rest and taste life. If you have to wake spirit and vitality of the day, why not let the body enjoy a valuable one. There are a wide variety of coffee in the market, to hold the market share, we must start from the origin of the coffee, then the process is the key to preserve the flavor . This research will show the domestic coffee market status and future development, and use YT company's case studies to better understanding the domestic market.


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