  • 學位論文


The analysis of discretionary investment-oriented policy

指導教授 : 郝充仁


近年來隨著人口結構與經濟環境之改變,投資型保險逐漸成為市場上主要的熱門商品,尤其是類全委保單。本文利用深度訪談法之方式,研究類全委保單在臺灣壽險市場的經營模式與銷售概況,瞭解投資型保險相關從業人員對類全委保單之看法,探討商品熱銷背後之後續問題產生,待未來問題發生時,能提供較良好的改善方式,最後提出具體建議供業界參考。 根據本文之研究分析,提供四項結論作為探討類全委保險商品之參考: 1.低利率環境、監理政策 為類全委商品興盛之主因 2.專業代操與配息 為類全委商品包裝之主軸 3.類全委保單之費用高於一般投資型保單 4.類全委保單糾紛為銷售端之話術糾紛居多


With the change of population structure and economic environment in recent years, investment-oriented policy has gradually become a popular commodity in life insurance marketing, especially discretionary investment-oriented policy. In this paper, we adopt the depth interview method to research the business model and the sales of discretionary investment-oriented policy in life insurance market in Taiwan. We also try to understand what insurance agents thought of discretionary investment-oriented policy, and discuss the situation when the investment-oriented policy becomes selling well products. According to our results, there are four conclusions of discretionary investment-oriented policy for insurers to consult. First, low interest of environment and the policy of insurance regulation are the main reason that why discretionary investment-oriented policy will become a popular commodity. Second, discretionary operation and policy dividend are the main items of discretionary investment-oriented policy packaging. Third, the premium income of discretionary investment-oriented policy is higher than other investment-oriented policy. Fourth, most of the dispute of discretionary investment-oriented policy is sales pitch.


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