  • 學位論文


Medical power in the play Dr. Knock or the Triumph of medicine

指導教授 : 徐鵬飛


《科諾克或醫學的勝利》是于樂-羅曼的戲劇。它是二十世紀法國最著名的戲劇之一。主角科諾克醫生的格言:「健康的人都是不自知的病人」,揭示了過度診斷的問題,也體現了衛生專業人員操縱身體的方法。 2019年底,冠狀病毒席捲全球,無形的病毒使人產生了無法控制的焦虑,同時也對死亡感到極度恐懼。這般情況下,爲了保護自己免受病毒侵害,所有人變得更注意日常的衛生習慣和身體的健康狀態。這正是科諾克醫生對聖莫里斯人民的做法。他提倡預防醫學,讓人民對疾病感到恐慌。如今,人們對健康的渴望導致市場上出現了五花八門的健康產品,醫生也開始在熒幕上傳播他們的「白色魅力」。不難發現,醫學的功能已被最大化的利用。 爲了闡明醫療權力在現代社會的展現,本論文研究了西方醫學的歷史背景。接著,我們轉向莫里哀十七世紀的經典戲劇《無病呻吟》(Le Malade imaginaire),以追溯醫生在過去的形象,强調其在現代所形成的鮮明對比。之後,我們深入分析《科諾克》的情節、人物,特別是他操縱人民的手法。最後,我們剖析生命政策於新冠肺炎期間的实施,看這部劇如何反映我們現實生活中的衛生狀況。


Knock or the Triumph of Medicine is a play by Jules Romains. It is one of the most famous French plays of the 20th century. The maxim of the main character, Dr. Knock: “Healthy people are sick people who do not know that they are sick” reveals the problem of overdiagnosis and the way of manipulation of the body by health professionals. At the end of 2019, the coronavirus swept the world. The invisible virus and physical pain have brought us uncontrollable anxiety and made us extremely afraid of death. In this case, everyone becomes more aware of daily hygiene practices and the state of their health to protect themselves from the virus. This is precisely what Dr. Knock has been doing to the people of Saint-Maurice. He advocated preventative medicine to put them in fear of illness. Nowadays, the desire to be healthy has made plenty of healthy products emerge on the market. Doctors have also started spreading their "white charms'' in the mass media. In this way, we have noticed that the function of medicine has been maximized. To shed light on the deployment of medical power in modern society, this research examines the historical context of Western medicine. Then, we turn to Molière's classic 17th century play The Imaginary Invalid (Le Malade imaginaire) to trace the doctor's image in the past, which contrasts well with the one in modern times. After that, we analyze Knock profoundly to its plot, characters, and especially the method of manipulation by Dr. Knock. Finally, we examine the implementation of biopolitics during Covid-19 and see how the play reflects the health situation in our real life.


Knock Jules Romains biopower medical power covid-19


1. Ouvrages en français
Dodier Nicolas, L'expertise médicale : essai de sociologie sur l'exercice du jugement, Paris, Éditions Métailié,1993, 372 pages.
Dubar Claude, La socialisation. Construction des identités sociales et professionnelles, Paris, Armand Colin,1991, 256 pages.
Michel Foucault, Il faut défendre la société, Cours au Collège de France (1975-1976), 193 pages.
Foucault Michel, Naissance de la clinique, Paris, PUF,2009, 214 pages.
