  • 學位論文


A Study of Hakka Instruction Policy ─ Case Study on the Elementary Schools in Taipei County

指導教授 : 歐用生


本研究旨在探討台北縣公立國民小學客語教學實施現況,進而探討客語政策執行情形。首先探討相關文獻,以作為研究架構及研究目的之依據,本研究目的有四:ㄧ、探討客語政策執行情形。二、分析客語政策執行的影響因素。三、探討台北縣國民小學客語教學實施現況與問題。四、從上述之分析探究提出改進建議,供政府未來推展鄉土語言政策之參考。 本研究工具採自編問卷,問卷調查以台北縣九十三學年度有開設客語課程之公立國民小學為母群體,採分層隨機抽樣方式進行調查,部分輔以訪談。最後依據主要研究發現,作成結論與建議。 本研究獲得的結論如下: ㄧ、整體而言,臺北縣國小客語教學實施成效,在課程、教學、評量、 教材、師資或是配套措施各方面,仍有許多進步的空間。 二、臺北縣國小客語教學開班情形不理想,主要原因是學生選課意願低落 以及客語師資不足所造成。 三、政府提供教師在客語教學上的政策配套措施,如降低客語教學的 開班人數、調高支援教師教學鐘點費…等,有助於學校客語教學之 推展。 四、爲了照顧學生的學習權益,學校配合支援教師之教學時段,彈性安排 客語教學上課時段、教學時數之配套作法,值得肯定。 五、客語教學採同學年跨班編班上課方式最多,跨校策略聯盟則因困難重 重而不被採用。 六、客語教學型態活潑多樣,評量方式多元並陳,能吸引學生的學習興趣, 但學生無法將客語學習成果,活用於日常生活之中。 七、客語教學仰賴支援教師,編制內合格客語教學師資嚴重不足。 八、教師專業能力不足,對音標符號拼音系統教學不熟悉,懼怕且不願投 入客語教學行列。 九、教師參與客語專業課程進修研習之多寡,影響客語教學之實施成效。 十、客語教學教材以採用坊間版本為主,結合學校在地特色及適合學 生生活之自編教材卻有待開發。 依據上述結論,本研究提出下列建議: 一、對政府之建議:(一)從文化的層面落實客語政策。 (二)客語政策推行要有彈性(三)從師資培育政策著手解決師資問題。(四)提供學校推動客語教學之配套措施。 二、對學校之建議:(一)強化教學支援體系。(二)提升校內教師客語專業知能(三)營造語言學習環境。(四)進行校際策略聯盟及師資共聘。(五)鼓勵教師發展客語教材。 三、對家長之建議:(一)從家庭教育開始,增加孩子練習會話的機會。(二)透過親子客語交談,增加孩子對學習客語的認同感。 四、對後續研究的建議:就研究對象而言,建議擴及學生及家長層面;就 研究方法而言,建議強化鄉土語言與多元文化之鏈結;就研究內容而 言,建議後續研究將範圍擴充至政策評估暨政策規劃層面。


客語 政策 客語教學


The present study is to investigate the current status of Hakka instruction in Taipei county and then to investigate the Hakka instruction policy. The study frame and purposes were based on the relative literature reviewing. The purposes of the study were (1) to investigate the current status of Hakka instruction policy, (2) to analyze the factors related to executing Hakka instruction policy, (3) to investigate the current status and problems of Hakka instruction in Taipei county, and (4) to propose promoting further native Taiwanese language policy based on the above analyses. The questionnaire was adopted as the main research tool of the present study. The public elementary schools executing Hakka instruction in 93 school year were the accessible population, and the stratified random sampling was adopted for sampling. The in-depth interview was adopted as the minor research tool. According to the study finding, the results of the present study were as follows: 1. As a whole, the effect of Hakka instruction in Taipei county on curriculum, instruction, evaluation, materials, teachers and supplementary measures was inadequate. 2. The situation of opening Hakka class was unsatisfactory, and the main reason was the students’ low willingness of attending Hakka class and the supplementary shortness of the Hakka teachers. 3. The supplementary measures of Hakka instruction provided by the government were conducive to the promoting of Hakka instruction such as reducing the students in each class, raising the teachers’ hour fee etc. 4. In order to consider the students’ learning right, the schools arranged the period for teaching, the flexible class hour and supplementary teaching hour. 5. According to the students’ abilities of Hakka, they were divided into several classes. It was difficult to combine the students from different schools. 6. The students were attractive by the active Hakka teaching and multi-assessment, but the students couldn’t display what they learned in the daily life. 7. Hakka instruction depended on the supportive teachers. The formal Hakka teachers were unsatisfactory. 8. The teachers’ professional abilities were unsatisfactory. They were not familiar with spelling system, and they were afraid of teaching Hakka and even not willing to teaching Hakka. 9. The attendance of professional study would affect the effect of Hakka teaching. 10. The materials were form the different bookshops. The content didn’t combine with the local characteristics and students’ daily lives. According to the results, the suggestions of the present study were as follows: 1. The government needed to (1) put Hakka instruction policy into effect culturally, (2) promote Hakka instruction policy flexibly, (3) develop teachers training, and (4) provide the supplementary measures. 2. The schools needed to (1) strengthen teaching supportive system, (2) raise the teachers’ professional abilities, (3) build the language learning environment, (4) cooperate with other schools, and (5) encourage to develop the materials. 3. The parents needed to (1) provide opportunities of conversion, (2) strengthen the identification of Hakka. 4. The suggestions for the further study were:(1) for research object, to investigate the students and parents, (2) for methodology, to strengthen the connection of native Taiwanese language and multi-culture, (3) for the research content, to expand the study range to evaluated the relative policy and plan.


Hakka policy Hakka instruction


行政院客家委員會(2004)。客委會介紹─篳路藍縷 細說成立過程。


