  • 學位論文


Airline network flight frequency determination and adjustment in response to EU airline emissions charges

指導教授 : 溫裕弘


歐盟從2012年起將開始把國際航空運輸納入碳排放交易機制(European Union Emissions Trading Scheme, EU ETS)中,以對抗全球氣候暖化。此舉對航空運輸業之影響深遠,即自2012年起,不論歐盟與非歐盟籍之航空公司,飛航歐洲境內起降航班及到離歐盟境內機場之航班,均納入EU ETS範圍內,徵收碳排放交易稅(簡稱碳排稅)。鑒此,航空運輸業之節能減碳將成為重要趨勢,且成為航空公司之核心營運策略。航空公司如何因應碳排稅進行營運策略之調整、重新規劃航線、班機頻次、機型指派,以達到節能減碳之目標,即成為值得深入研究與探討之議題。 本研究主要探討航空公司因應歐盟EU ETS航空碳排稅下之航線網路最適對策規劃,嘗試考慮航空碳排稅最小化、航空公司成本及旅客一般化成本最小化,並整合旅客需求互動架構,建構航空公司航線網路多目標規劃模式。透過模式求解與分析,探討航空公司航機減排措施與最適航線與班機因應調整規劃。並分析規劃結果在碳排量、班機頻次、營運成本、票價之影響,且探討旅客受票價調整之航線旅客運量反應變動,深入剖析目標函數值之間的權衡取捨率,以及碳排對策之正面效益與負面影響之間的相互權衡。最後,本研究以我國國籍航空公司為應用範例,進行模式驗證與求解,再透過情境分析與敏感度測試,探討重要參變數之影響,如碳排額度變動、碳交易價格變動、承載率變動、加入新型航機重新規劃以及新增航點重新規劃,分析航空公司因應對策所產生之碳排稅效益及其對航空公司成本與旅客一般化成本之影響,並推論航空公司具體可行之因應策略。本研究透過範例分析進行模式之求解,範例分析結果顯示,歐洲航線之承載率提高後,航線頻次會降低,可有效減少碳排稅。置換航機後顯示,使用新航機具有節省燃油之效益,大幅降低碳排稅,航空公司營運成本以及旅客一般化旅行成本亦會降低。當航點增加,改採轉機航線時,縮短進入歐洲航線之航距,具較有節省碳排稅之效益。綜上所述,航空公司可衡量本身機隊條件、各航線特性,規劃決策最適之航線、機型與頻次,以降低航空碳排稅對營運及旅客之衝擊。


Based on the implementation of the European Commission on including the aviation sector into the European Union Emission Trading Scheme (EU ETS), airlines will face the severe challenge on airline emission charges. Non-European airlines will be included from 2012 with their flights that operate in and out of the European Union (EU). Therefore, how to design and planning a network in response to airline emission charges and changes in demand is very important for airlines to enhance their performance and remain competitive. This study develops an airline network modeling responsive to airline emission charges, to determine the operational strategies in airline flight frequencies, routing, aircraft emission reduction, aircraft re-assignment. The demand-supply interaction for airline network resulted from the changes in passenger demand is also discussed. This study develops a multiobjective programming model for airline network planning that systematically minimizes the total emission charges, the total airline operating costs, and the total passenger generalized costs. This study proposes an algorithm that integrated weighted-sum method and an interative scheme to solve the airline network multiobjective programming problem with demand-supply interactions. A case study with selected airline flight networks and other data was provided to illustrate the results and the application of the proposed models. Moreover, a group of optimal airline network plans was determined by applying multiobjective programming. These groups of solutions not only provide flexibility in decision making with three objectives, but also show the trade-offs between benefits of emission reduction and costs of airline and passengers. Sensitivity analysis and scenario analysis were also discussed. The numerical results explored the effect of airline emissions charges on airline flight routing and frequencies, aircraft types and assignment, and network structure. The results of this study provide higher flexibility on decision-making for airline network design in response to airline emission charges.


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