  • 學位論文


The comments and response of Neo-Confucianism in Ming Dynasty by 《ShengXueZongZhuan》and 《LiXueZongZhuan》

指導教授 : 周志文
共同指導教授 : 高柏園(Kao Po-Yuan Kao)


《明儒學案》(1676年)的完成替後學者展開了明朝理學發展的概貌,但因為其書太過周詳,當黃宗羲以其學術觀點鋪陳明代理學發展,造成後來學者以之為定見後,反而導致對明代學術發展認知上的定型,後人論明代學術必以黃宗羲所言為標準,然而這樣定於一尊的說法是否為明代理學的真貌則是可以再思考的。 《聖學宗傳》(1605年)與《理學宗傳》(1666年)皆成書於《明儒學案》之前,二書可視為明代理學家對於整體明代學術發展的總整理。更因為二人的思想與黃宗羲有所不同,於是對於明代學術發展的理解亦有所差異。透過此二書的互相比較,相信能更全面的反映出由晚明至明末時期理學家對於理學發展的見解,並藉以瞭解當時學者對於所處學術環境中各家學說的影響。 本文所欲探究的《聖學宗傳》與《理學宗傳》二書,雖然並非「學案」的定型之作,然而其作為「學案」發展過程中的一環,在目的上同樣是企圖對作者所關心的學術發展作一闡述與說明。兩書皆蘊含了強烈的道統觀,且在基本的立場上都是想闡明孔子所傳下的儒學思想之發展與傳承,並又皆以宋明時期之理學為論述焦點。《聖學宗傳》以心學為主,認為聖學之主要傳承當是由王陽明上承陸九淵,依循著「尊德性」的脈絡而開展,並且兼融佛學於儒學之中。在周汝登的心中,明代理學主要受到陽明及其弟子的主導,此為學術之正傳。而《理學宗傳》則以聖學本天為脈絡,認為「尊德性」與「道問學」當並重,以王陽明上承朱熹為體系,排斥佛學,強調儒學的純粹性。孫奇逢論明代學術則是由朱門弟子與陽明及其弟子二分天下。 筆者所欲探究者,即兩書在不同的思想脈絡下,對於相同時期之理學家所呈現出來的不同見解,進而如何影響其學術史之建立。兩書對於理學史的不同理解,正是本文所欲理解與闡述者。因此,釐清兩書作者本著其強烈的道統觀所撰成之學術史如何反映其心中所認同的理學史,便是本文所關心之焦點。


《MingRuXueAn》( 1676) is completed to let all have known the Neo-Confucianism in Ming Dynasty. However Huang ZongXi viewpoint influence have arrived afterwards the opinion of scholar. Allow scholars from the perspective of Huang Zong-XI's understanding of Ming Dynasty Neo-Confucianism. However such explanation is the fact that Ming Dynasty Neo-Confucianism can think deeply again. 《ShengXueZongZhuan》(1605) and 《LiXueZongZhuan》(1666) is completed before 《MingRuXueAn》. These two books can be used as a scholar of the Ming dynasty general finishing development of Neo-Confucianism in Ming dynasty. And Huang zongxi also because two people who do not like, so for different academic understanding of the Ming dynasty Neo-Confucianism. Hope to be able to reflect the view of scholar for Ming dynasty Neo-Confucianism through the comparison of this two books. 《ShengXueZongZhuan》 and 《LiXueZongZhuan》 wants to clarification on the academic development of interest to authors. Two books contain a strong Confucian Orthodoxy, and wants to promote Confucius's Confucian thought, and also to discuss the focus of Neo-Confucianism. 《ShengXueZongZhuan》is Neo-Confucian School of Mind mainly, main memory is of the view that Confucianism by Wang Yangming on Lu Jiuyuan, follow Moral sequence, and also into Buddhism to Confucianism. Zhou Rudeng believes that the Ming Dynasty Neo-Confucianism dominated mainly by Wang Yangming and his disciples, this is authentic. Think "Honoring the Virtuous Nature" and "Following the Knowledge"are very important, to Wang Yangming on the Zhu Xi as the choroid, the rejection of Buddhism, emphasizing the pure nature of Confucianism. Sun Qifeng believes that students of Zhu Xi and Wang Yangming and Wang Yangming's students are very important in the Ming Dynasty Neo-Confucianism. Authors want to know are two books under the different ideas, at the same time the different opinions, the agent, how it affects their academic history establishment. Two books for the different understanding of Neo-Confucianism in Ming dynasty, is what we want to know. Therefore, illustrate the two authors of the book how to show their neo-historical, that is the focus of this paper.


