  • 學位論文


PM2.5 Monitoring Apparatus Integrated with WiFi Networking and IR Emission Interfaces and Related Applications

指導教授 : 楊淳良


本論文介紹整合WiFi聯網和紅外線發射端口PM2.5監測裝置的設計與實現,以及相關應用。核心組件包括: NodeMcu ESP8266 WiFi開發板、紅外發射模組、夏普製造的GP2Y1051AU0F PM2.5灰塵傳感器模組、Blynk和ThingSpeak服務。 Blynk為一具有拖放式行動應用程序構建器物聯網(IoT)平台,允許我們經由自建的Blynk應用程序可視化監控數據並遠程控制IR發送器。 ThingSpeak為一免費的Web服務,讓我們在雲端收集和存儲監控數據並開發物聯網應用程序。 我們成功地展示了具有以下功能的PM2.5監控裝置:顯示PM2.5引起的空氣污染危險等級的RGB LED指示燈,控制排氣扇或空氣清淨機的紅外線遙控器,以及通過自建的Blynk應用程序向終端用戶的智能手機發送 PM2.5警報通知訊息。 而且,在相關的應用中,該裝置非常適用於智能家居系統使用,且有利於PM2.5感測網路的建構,以保護人們的健康和監控環境。


物聯網 細懸浮微粒


This thesis presents the design and implementation of a PM2.5 monitoring apparatus integrated with WiFi networking and IR emission interfaces and the related applications. The core components consist of a NodeMcu ESP8266 WiFi development board, an IR emission module, a Sharp-made GP2Y1051AU0F PM2.5 dust sensor module, Blynk and ThingSpeak services. Blynk is an Internet of Things (IoT) platform with a drag-and-drop mobile application builder, allowing us to visualize monitored data and control IR transmitter remotely via a self-built Blynk application. ThingSpeak is a free web service, letting us collect and store monitored data in the cloud and develop IoT applications. We successfully demonstrated the PM2.5 monitoring apparatus with the functions: the RGB LED indicator that displays the hazard level of air pollution caused by PM2.5, the IR remote controller that controls an exhaust fan or an air purifier, and the PM2.5 alert notification message that delivers to the end user’s smartphone via the self-built Blynk application. Also, in the related applications, this apparatus is very suitable for utilizing in smart home systems and conducive to the construction of PM2.5 sensing networks to protect people’s health and monitor the environment.


Blynk App IoT IR PM2.5 ThingSpeak WiFi


[1] 維基百科, “空氣污染,” available link: https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/空氣污染
[2] 維基百科, “懸浮微粒,” available link: https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/懸浮粒子
[3] 細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)指標對照表與活動建議, available link: http://www.tnepb.gov.tw/AIR_ PM25.htm
[4] 行政院環境保護署, “空氣品質指標,” available link: https://taqm.epa.gov.tw/taqm/tw/b0201.aspx
