  • 學位論文


The Evaluation of the Labor Outsourcing factors of considerations and Relationship Quality in the Organizational Performance-A Case Study of Taipei Rapid Transit Corporation

指導教授 : 吳坤山


論文提要內容: 近年來由於產業結構迅速變化,企業在面臨產業日趨成熟、甚至衰退的狀況下,無不亟思如何降低成本、調整企業體質,因此產業型態與雇用模式亦出現有別於以往的變化,組織規模漸趨向精簡與扁平化、專營於某塊專業利基的顧問業紛紛崛起,加上求職者工作價值觀的改變,終身雇用制之式微等等現象,許多企業紛紛採行各種措施,如組織再造、縮減規模與勞動彈性化等,期望能專注於本身專長的核心優勢,並將非本身專長的工作以外包的方式來降低成本。 台北捷運公司為增進事業經營自主權及提高經營績效,加上營運路網持續擴充,在運輸服務及設備維護業務上幅度更加龐大,其人力需求必持續成長,為此將組織中屬於非核心的業務改以外包的方式交由專業廠商代為執行。但組織在採用勞務外包決策時應考量哪些重要因素?是否採行勞務外包?又相關工作採行勞務外包時與外包商的關係品質與組織績效是否顯著的關係,此乃本研究主要目的。 本研究從相關的文獻探討開始著手,再根據其理論基礎建立本研究之架構與假設,並選用適當的量表為研究工具,經抽取台北捷運公司組織內與營運直接關係的部門中、基階層管理人員成員740人為對象實施問卷調查。針對回收的有效樣本450份資料,進行信度分析、敘述性統計、相關分析及相關迴歸分析。經實證分析和討論後,獲致主要結論如下: 1. 外包考量因素對維修外包有顯著的正向影響。 2. 外包考量因素對運務外包有顯著的負向影響,。 3. 維修外包對組織績效有顯著的正向影響,且對組織績效的「效能與效率」、「員工滿意度」及「員工士氣」有顯著的正向影響。 4. 關係品質對組織績效有顯著的正向影響。 最後,依據研究結論,對台北捷運公司及未來研究提出具體建議,以供參考。


Abstract: In recent years, due to industrial structure changing rapidly, enterprises face the situation that the industry has been relatively mature and even recessional, they invariably deliberate on how to reduce cost and adjust enterprise constitution. Therefore, types of industry and recruitment mode change different from the past years, namely, the scale of organization gradually tends to be streamlined and flat, consulting industry rise abruptly, job seeker’s work values change, permanent recruitment is weak, etc. Many enterprises adopt various measures, such as, restructure of organization, scale reduction, and labor flexibility, etc, anticipating that concentrate their attention on core advantages and outsource the job that is not their specialty to reduce the cost. To promote decision-making power of enterprise management and enhance effects, Taipei Rapid Transit Corporation (hereinafter referred to as TRTC) has wider management range on transport service and maintenance work with the expansion in the Taipei Metro network. The manpower requirements have certainly increased. For this reason, TRTC outsourced the un-core jobs to professional contractors. But when an organization adopts outsourcing policy, what factors should be considered? Adopt outsourcing or not? When adopting outsourcing policy, is there a remarkable relationship between outsourced contractor’s relationship quality and organizational performance is the main purpose of this thesis. This thesis starts from relevant document discussion, set up this thesis’s structure and hypotheses based on its theory basis and choose applicable scale as a research tool. 740 people who are medium or basic level staff were conducted questionnaire survey. Aiming at 450 valid samples, reliability analysis, descriptive statistics, related analysis and related regression analysis are conducted. After evidence analysis and discussion, the main conclusion is as follows: 1. Outsourcing factors has a remarkable positive influence on maintenance outsourcing. 2. Outsourcing factors has a remarkable negative influence on operation outsourcing. 3. Maintenance outsourcing has a remarkable positive influence on organizational performance, and also has a remarkable positive influence on efficiency, employee satisfactory degree, and staff morale. 4. Relationship quality has a remarkable positive influence on organizational performance. In the end, in compliance with the conclusion of the thesis, concrete suggestions are brought up for TRTC and future research for reference.


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