  • 學位論文


The relationship between organizational justice and organizational conflict: An empirical study of the dispatched workers

指導教授 : 李家瑩


在全球化浪潮下,企業面臨競爭且多變的環境,企業為求生存與提高競爭力,紛紛採行各種措施以降低成本,其中業務外包是一種重要措施,使永久僱用制度之解體,勞工尋求就業自由化,非典型勞動方式遂應運而生,而勞動派遣係非典型勞動之一種型態,其牽涉派遣機構、要派機構及派遣勞工之特殊三角關係。此外,國內對勞動派遣法制化尚不完備,以至企業於採行勞動派遣人員之過程迭生爭議,政府機關採行此類型人力更遭各界質疑。由於台灣電力公司在政府組織整併及積極瘦身中,為了因應組織員額限制及嚴格預算管控之情境,台灣電力公司亦採行運用勞動派遣人員之措施,使得勞動派遣人員於組織中扮演的角色益形重要,勞動派遣對於組織公平與組織衝突知覺究竟如何值得進一步探討。因此,本研究針對台灣電力公司台中地區運用之勞動派遣人員單位,進行問卷調查,共取得172份有效問卷,並獲致如下結論: 1.勞動派遣人員之年齡、派遣年資、薪資待遇及部門類型等4項人口統計變項對組織公平知覺有顯著差異。 2.勞動派遣人員之性別、薪資待遇、部門類型及人力類型等4項人口統計變項對組織衝突知覺有顯著差異。 3.勞動派遣人員之組織公平知覺有顯著影響組織衝突知覺。


In the wave of globalization, enterprises face to competition and changing environments, in order to survive and improve competitiveness. They have adopted a variety of means to reduce costs. Outsourcing is an important strategy, which implies that the permanent employment system is gradually destroyed. Workers are seeking for employment liberalization, and thus lead to an atypical employment. Dispatched work is a type of the atypical employment, and it makes triangular relationship among dispatched work agencies, enterprise and dispatched workers. In addition, the development of dispatched work system is still not mature. As such, the process for enterprises to hire dispatched works is controversy, especially for Government organizations. The Taiwan Power Company is one of the famous Governmental organizations. The Taiwan Power Company is under the pressure of organizational consolidation and streamlining. In order to response to organization personnel restrictions and strict budget control, The Taiwan Power Company adopts dispatched workers. The role of dispatched workers becomes more important than ever. However, how dispatched workers perceive organizational justice and organizational conflict deserve further validations. In this study, the sampling respondents are dispatched worker set Taichung branches of the Taiwan Power Company. Questionnaire survey was used for data collection. A total of 172 valid questionnaires were used. The research results are shown as follows: 1. Dispatched workers personnel characteristics, such as age, dispatch seniority, salary and type of department, have significantly impacts on the perceptions of organizational justice. 2.Gender, salary, department type, and type of employment of dispatched workers have significantly influences on the perceptions of organizational conflict. 3. Dispatched workers perceived organizational justice would significant impact on the perception of organizational conflict.


26.黃同圳(2011), 勞動派遣在企業人力資源管理之運用探討,臺灣勞動評論,第三卷第一期:1-33頁。
