  • 學位論文


Children's Literature in the Eyes of Taiwanese Creators: An Analysis from Futures' Perspectives

指導教授 : 宋玫玫


兒童文學應是人成長過程中最先接觸到文化媒介,童話故事也常被兒童所喜愛。而因為其獨特的地理與歷史背景,台灣的兒童文學發展史在過去也與語言文化政策緊密結合,在台灣長達三十八年的戒嚴時期兒童文學與其他文化建設都必須服膺在特定的價值觀之下。 當戒嚴結束後,台灣兒童文學也從政治力量中解放。可是此時也恰好是世界迎接全球化浪潮的時候,不但歐美發展成熟的兒童娛樂產業主導了台灣多數兒童的兒童文化;本土認同也讓過去數十年來伴隨許多人成長的戒嚴時期台灣兒童文學不能再代表台灣;外加上科技突飛猛進的進步,新生代的閱讀習慣已經完全改變。這些都對台灣的兒童文學作家不利,而台灣的童書作家們又是怎麼看待這些趨勢的? 本研究透過質性研究訪談了九位台灣兒童文學作家,詢問了他們對於台灣兒童文學過去、現在以及未來的看法,再透過未來學研究方法,將受訪者訪談中蒐集的資料彙集整理,建構出三個情節故事,試圖去探討台灣兒童文學未來的可能性。


Children's literature usually is the first culture media children can reach, and fairy tales are also popular among the children. Due to the special geography and historic context, children's literature in Taiwan is greatly influenced by culture and language policy during the era of martial law. When martial law ended, Taiwanese children's literature was freed from the political power. However it happens to be the era of globalization, children’s entertainment culture from the west takes over Taiwanese children’s minds, the old native story no longer in youth’s memory, and the modern technology even reshapes children’s reading habits. All of this is bad news for Taiwanese writers, thus, how do they respond to this? In this research, the author interviewed 9 different Taiwanese children's literature writers, and asked their opinion about the past, the present and the future of Taiwanese children's literature. With the research method of futures studies, the author analyzes the information from the interview and constructs 3 different scenarios to find more possibilities of Taiwanese children's literature in the future.


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