  • 學位論文


The development of cross-strait economic integration policy of Mainland China:the case of personnel exchange

指導教授 : 張五岳


中國大陸領導人習近平於2017年十九大中提出為臺灣同胞在大陸學習、創業、生活提供同等待遇,宣示落實兩岸經濟社會融合發展理念,以經濟民生吸引我各領域人才赴陸就創業,本研究旨在探討此政策下兩岸人流變化之可能,即對中國大陸「惠臺政策」及「同等待遇」進行瞭解,探討相關招引各行各業及青年方式,提出我政府在中國大陸相關政策下之應對作為,供我社會瞭解兩岸關係變化趨勢。 本文以文獻研究法、描述性研究法及經驗總結法,針對中國大陸對臺灣人才招吸政策及我社會反應情況做歸納與分析,說明惠臺政策提出之背景,其擬定緣由及政策目標,對兩岸關係及招吸臺灣民眾赴陸之意義,並針對當前惠臺政策實施概況做瞭解分析,且中國大陸為對臺進行人民融合,以經濟為誘因吸引我各行各業人才赴陸發展情形,故以中國大陸推出之各相關政策做為參考依據,並與惠臺政策下人民反應交互觀察分析,以瞭解各行各業赴陸規模及衍生效應,復以青年族群為主角,說明中國大陸在過去面對臺灣青年所遇之瓶頸,使其加大拉攏及影響之作為,並瞭解我青年、學生受相關政策吸引赴陸情形,作為當前整體青年對兩岸認知及我人力資源流失可能之參考。 中國大陸欲以「大陸主導,臺灣參與」之單向過程,透由經濟為誘因及背景,加速經濟一中成形,接連出臺兩岸經濟社會融合發展政策,吸引更多臺灣青年進入大陸職場,招吸臺灣民眾赴陸進行經濟社會融合,故本文之提出冀予我社會各界參考深化警惕意識,政府亦需落實產業轉型升級及強化人才延攬機制,以應對業界人才、技術、科研、產能外移之隱憂。


Xi Jinping, the president of People’s Republic of China, proposed to grant fellow Taiwanese equal treatment with their Chinese counterparts to study, initiate startups, or reside in China in prospect of cross-strait integration in economic and social development at the 19th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party of China in 2017. By offering economic and social incentives, Xi intends to attract Taiwanese talent to work or launch a startup in Mainland China. This essay aims to investigate the possible changes in cross-strait labor flow under the effects of Xi’s policy. In other words, it seeks to develop a further understanding of the “preferential policies” to Taiwan, the “equal treatments” that China introduced, as well as the ways in which young adults of different professions are recruited. This essay also examines the reactions of the R.O.C (Republic of China) government to the measures conducted by Xi to provide an analysis of the shifting trends in cross-strait relations that is understandable to the public. The essay adopts the approach of literature reviews, descriptive research, and summary of experience to synthesize information regarding the China’s talent-recruiting policies that target Taiwanese labor and the responses of the R.O.C. government. The context, reasons, goals, and significance to cross-strait relations and Taiwanese citizens who pursue a career in Mainland China of the incentive measures will be explained. The current implementation of the preferential policies, the phenomenon where economic benefits are used to appeal to Taiwanese talent, and the impact of other related policies on businesses that expand in Mainland China will also be analyzed in light of the response of those who benefit from the programs. The essay highlights the role played by young adults in describing how, historically, PRC has targeted young Taiwanese job-seekers who face various challenges and how Taiwanese talent and students are motivated to become part of the labor force in Mainland China as a result of the aforementioned benefits. The essay thus offers possible guidance to young adults’ perception of cross-strait relations and insights to the loss of labor in Taiwan. Through a one-sided process in which “Mainland leads, Taiwan participates” and various economic benefits, Mainland China seeks to catalyze the economic unification between PRC and ROC. As more policies are implemented to foster cross-strait integration in economy and social relations and lure Taiwanese talent to join the Chinese labor market, this essay hopes to raise consciousness among the public about the possible consequences of the Chinese programs mentioned above. The R.O.C. government should also conduct measures in upgrading various business sectors and strengthen recruitment systems in Taiwan to counter the risk of losing intelligence, technology, research and development, and other resources.


