  • 學位論文


The Study of Business Model on VoIP

指導教授 : 何錦堂


網路電話(VoIP)是一種透過Internet所傳送的電話語音通訊,其對電信產業的轉型已帶來關鍵的衝擊。在新科技搭配網路電話費率的優勢助攻之下,眾多研究機構皆預期網路電話可能形成網路的下一波殺手級應用。 Fortune雜誌報導現今產業有五大「創造性毀滅技術」 (disruptive technology),其中為首的便是Skype公司所開發的同名軟體—Skype的問世。該公司並不收取每月的服務費,網友利用Skype來打網路電話是免費的,其創新經營模式並不同於以往的電信業者。 一個成功的商業模式(business model)代表著一種取代既存方式的更佳做法,它可能提供了更多的價值給不同的顧客群(customer cluster),或者可能完全取代舊的方式,成為標準。本研究主要目的為:(1)探索網路電話產業的關鍵成功因素為何?進入障礙何在?(2)探索網路電話企業的經營模式為何?(3)探索網路電話產業未來競爭重組的方向? 本研究旨在研究新的創造性毀滅技術對網路電話產業所造成的影響,分為對產業內企業經營模式的研究,與產業競爭結構重組演化的探索。主要運用專家深度訪談作為質化研究資料收集方法,尋訪專家深度訪問後求得未發生科技事件趨勢的專家意見,其後並藉由問卷對業者進行調查以驗證創新趨勢的進行。 網路電話產業分為Direct Access VoIP、Indirect Access VoIP、Soft Client三類業者,各自存在不同的優勢劣勢機會威脅。因為破壞性創新的發生,電話業務本身獲利不易。因應高度競合的產業結構,價值練上的業者應注重效率、互補性、鎖定、與新穎性等等網路經營模式的價值來源,朝各種附加價值服務思考經營模式。電信法規的開放,行動寬頻,數據的匯流則是產業未來的關鍵成功因素。


網路電話 經營模式 競合


Voice over IP(VoIP)is a way to transfer voice data on internet, which came as a shock to traditional telecommunication industry. Many Market research institutes predicted that it will be the killer application for new technology and cheap price. Fortune magazine reported Skype software is the first of the five biggest disruptive technologies. It is free that online user make calls with Skype for the company didn’t charge telephone bill each month. The innovative business model of Skype is different from other telecom company. A successful business model tell a better way to substitute old function and give more value to different customer cluster, even become a new standard. The purposes of this research are: 1.To explore the key successful factor of VoIP industry and barrier to enter market. 2.To explore the business model of VoIP. 3.To explore the Future of VoIP industry. To find the impact of the disruptive technology, we collected data of unknown technological event from experts’ opinion by in-depth interview as qualitative methodology and field survey by questionnaire as quantitative methodology. Result of this research is that VoIP companies were categoried to Direct Access VoIP, Indirec Access VoIP, and Soft Client VoIP and they stand on different base of competitive advantage. Because getting profit on VoIP is not easy for disruptive innovation, co-opetition VoIP companies should create business model go with value-added service and focus on efficiency, complementarities, lock-in, and novelty as four sources of value. Opening on telecom regulation, broadband mobile, and digital convergence are the key successful factors of future VoIP industry.


VoIP Business Model Co-opetiton


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