  • 學位論文


A Study of “Wen-ti-tong-pien-guan” of Wen-shin-diao-lung

指導教授 : 顏崑陽


《文心雕龍》是門「顯學」,晚清至今已累積豐富「龍學」研究成果。本論文旨在重回《文心雕龍》文本語境中,找尋劉勰個人對傳統、時代、文學等面向的問題視域,探問其反思六朝文學問題,以及建構文學理論體系的核心觀念。因此本論文提出「文體通變觀」做為開展的基本預設,希望藉由此一「文體通變觀」的後設性「宏觀」視野,為當前的「龍學」研究,提供一個反思的新視域與方法,期能為劉勰理論體系找尋一個「新答案」。因此本論文將透過「基礎觀念研究」與「理論內容研究」兩部分,進行《文心雕龍》文學理論體系的反思與建構。本論文共分七章: 首先,「第一章緒論」包含「『文體通變觀』關鍵性詞義界定」,「問題導出與論題界定」,「史料運用與研究方法」,「章節安排與論述步驟」等,其中尤其是關鍵性用語的界定與前行研究的分析,都是本論題導出的重要依據。 其次,在「基礎觀念研究」上,本論文藉由「文體通變觀」之哲學基礎與理論體系架構的研究,重新界定「通變」所隱含之「主觀心知」與「客觀事物」之「辯證性」,如何成為劉勰「辯證性」文學觀點的哲學基礎,並且做為劉勰建構「通變性」理論體系架構的核心觀念。 再則,在「理論內容研究」上,本論文藉由文體構成要素、源流規律、創作法則、批評判準之「通變性」,以及劉勰「文體通變史觀」之詮釋視域等五個重要的「理論內容研究」,進行「文本」的分析性詮釋,證成「通變觀」確實是貫串全書之文體理論核心觀念的基礎。 準此,本論文提出「文體通變觀」,致力為劉勰文學理論體系本身,做出一個符合實際的「全面性」論述。希望能以宏觀的學術視野,為《文心雕龍》這部「知識型」專書做縝密的「綜合性」論證。


This dissertation aims to offer “Wen-ti-tong-pien-guan” as the basic assumption for unveiling Wen-shin-diao-lung. By the “grand vision” of “Wen-ti-tong-pien-guan,” the author hopes to provide for the scholarly research on Wen-shin-diao-lung a new vision and method for reflection, with the aim of finding a “new direction” for Liu-hsieh’s theoretical system. The dissertation is divided into seven chapters. First of all, Chapter One, Introduction, includes definitions of key terms, enunciation and assertion of researching questions, utilization of researching materials and researching methods, and chapters’ arrangement and argumentation steps. All these are important criteria from which the main arguments of this dissertation evolve. Then, as far as “the research of basic ideas” is concerned, the author tries to redefine the dialectics between the subject and the object of “tong-pien” and demonstrate the dimensions by which “tong-pien” evolves into the philosophical foundation and criteria of theoretical structures of Liu-hsieh’s literary ideas. Moreover, as far as “the research of theoretical contents” is concerned, the author tries to demonstrate that “tong-pien-guan” is the pivotal idea running through and connecting Wen-shin-diao-lung by exploring the “tong-pien” of the elements comprising the literary style, the origins, the creation, and the critical criteria. By these, this dissertation aims to make practical argumentations that holistically cover Liu-hsieh’s literary theories.


○陳 拱〈《文心雕龍•通變》篇疏解〉,中興大學《中文學報》九期(1996年)。


