  • 學位論文


The Aesthetics of Practical Styles in Xiao Tong’s Wenxuan

指導教授 : 顏崑陽


《文選》研究儘管熱門,然從「文體」視角研究《文選》者卻不容易系統化。因《文選》乃「第一序」資料,可見個別「體製」之差異,卻不易看出作品之優劣。雖可借助《文心雕龍》〈明詩〉到〈書記〉二十篇文體論的「體式」與「體要」,不過兩者卻有出入。明清以來之「評點學」特別重視「文體」,研究《文選》必須參考「第二序」「評點」才足以彰顯中國「美典」。另外,中國傳統並無「美學」一詞,此乃西洋舶來品。中國「美學」之精神,在於對「生命存在的責任」,與「合於律則之思辨」,此精神最能由「實用性文體」彰顯。「實用性文體」的意義,於「士人」生活為「任用」,於發生意義在「社會」,於《文選》表現為卷35以後之「詔」、「策」、「令」、「教」、「表」、「書」、「檄」、「移」、「序」、「辭」、「論」、「贊」、「箴」、「銘」、「哀」、「誄」等,共33體,162篇作品,為一種「人」與「社會」交融於「文章」的表現。細讀「評點」後,將發現自古以來,「實用性文體」的「美典」,在方法建構上,一直是以「辨文體之源流」、「辨文體之正變」、「辨文體之品第」等三種方式,做為指導士人之寫作原則,並以此傳承理想之儒家價值觀。因《文選》只選「個別」作品,難以明白背後隱藏「整體文化」對「個別文體」的「外在結構」和「意義」之「規範」和「目的」何在。若持「直覺形象」的西方美學觀,更難分析《文選》後半「實用性文體」之美感何在,也易因「詩歌」之「孤立性」而忽略「文章」「社會交往」之重要性。本文認為從「後代評點」入手,才能解決上述問題,得知「美典」何在。由「評點」所揭示之「源流」、「正變」、「品第」的三種方法,才能明白「實用性文體」的「審美傾向」。歸結而言,其審美傾向有二,首先,外在「結構」追求「雅正」,其次,內在「情志」要求「和諧」。 此外,根據上述歸結的三項方式,其背後的意涵有助於建構美典的價值和意義。(一)、源/流:可提供「學習」,是促進「文體發展」之「動力」。從學習的法源及影響的流脈,可建構出當時的文學風潮及更宏觀之「文學史」。(二)、正/變:可建立「文體」的「客觀結構」;實際創作時,會加入獨特技巧;「評點」雖稱「奇作」,卻表示其「改變」能為人所接受。(三)、品/第:可建構「文學史」中的「作家風格」。從相同「文體」,比較「作家」之間的高低。提供後世評價作品之參考,亦能建構出不同時代,風格卻相似之「作家風格譜系」。另外,從品第可知「人文合一」的重要,其作用在解釋「品第高低」,表現中國傳統美典重視情志內要蘊含「中和」之要求,此種要求人文合一的理想,有助於個人心性修養,並促進社會和諧,為「文體發展」之終極「目的」。


文選 實用 文體 美學 美典


Few scholars approach the Wenxuan from the perspective of genre. Because the Wenxuan includes only certain genres, it is difficult to ascertain what cultural factors and external forces may have contributed the formation of these certain genres, what meanings they carried, what purposes they served, and what generic rules abided by. Approaching these questions from the perspective of what Western aesthetic theory calls “intuitive forms,” one would be hard-pressed to identify aesthetic value in the chapters on practical genres that occupy the second half of the Wenxuan. And by focusing on the individual nature of the poetry chapters one might risk overlooking the social functions of the chapters on prose. I argue that approaching the Wenxuan from the perspective of the history of criticism allows us to overcome this problem and identify aesthetic elements in the chapters on prose. Examining historical critics’ opinions on individual works’ conformity to or deviation from generic standards, the sources and development of each genre, their ranking vis-à-vis one another, and the extent to which they express cultural values enables us to observe trends in aesthetic judgments over time. These include (1) the fact that literary forms encourage elegance and (2) the fact that other, more internal factors such as the author’s personal feelings and aspirations, favor harmony. The study of literary sources and stylistic evolution provides opportunities for practice and stimulates understanding of the development of literary history. By imitating source texts and tracing the origins of various styles, students stand to acquire a deep understanding of the prevailing style in their own time period as well as a broad sense of literary history. Notions of conformity and deviation give rise to objective standards for assessing individual genres. However, when authors actually sit down to compose literature, they often embellish upon these pre-established forms. When critics praise such embellishments, they demonstrate their ability to tolerate a certain amount of deviation from generic rules. Appraising and ranking literary genres generates a sense of each author’s personal style. Comparing different authors’ treatments of similar genres provides a reference for scholars of later generations, allowing them to classify the similarities and differences among authors of various eras and styles, and to rank them accordingly. Assessing the extent to which individual works express cultural values allows readers to account for the differences among authors of diverse ranks and to recognize that Chinese aesthetics values balancing emotions. Works that express cultural values promote self-cultivation and peaceful social interactions. This, I argue, is the ultimate goal of literary evolution.


Wenxuan Practical Styles Aesthetics Paradigm


清•嚴可均(輯) 《全上古三代秦漢三國六朝文》,北京:中華書局,1999年
徐復觀 《中國人性論史》,臺北:臺灣商務印書館,1999年
顏崑陽 《詮釋的多向視域―中國古典美學與文學批評細論》,臺北:臺灣學生書局,2016年
