  • 學位論文


A Correlational Study between the Extent of Terrestrial Students Coming to Taiwan Policy and Study Motives on Overall Enrollment Rates Abstract

指導教授 : 潘錫堂


臺灣高等教育逐漸走向國際化,政府於2010年通過陸生三法修正案,採認大陸學歷,開放大陸學生於2011年起可來臺就學。本研究旨在探討臺灣通過開放大陸學生來臺就學等相關法令後,大陸學生對來臺就讀之意願研究,主要探討大陸學生的來臺就讀動機、陸生政策涉入程度及來臺就學意願等研究變項之關係,以陸生來臺就讀動機作為自變項,探討其對陸生政策涉入程度與來臺就學意願的相關性。研究採用量化研究之問卷調查方式,以臺灣北部地區一般大學校院大學之大陸來臺學生做為研究對象進行調查,共發出250份問卷,並依受試者認知,採李斯特五點量表計分,再藉由SPSS 與 Amos18軟體進行描述性統計、T-test 檢定、單因子變異數分析、路徑分析及結構化方程式等統計方法進行資料分析,來驗證本研究假設。研究結果發現:不同背景變項之來臺就讀動機、政策涉入程度及來臺就學意願存在部分顯著差異;陸生之來臺就讀動機、政策涉入程度及來臺就學意願等變項,皆有顯著的相關及影響。


As Taiwanese higher education gradually moves toward internationalization, the government in 2010 passing the Terrestrial Three Amendment Bills accepts the Certificates from Mainland schools. Thus, Mainland students have attended Taiwanese colleges and universities since 2011. The purpose of the study is to investigate the Mainland students’ overall enrollment rates in Taiwanese colleges and universities as related to study motives and the extent of Terrestrial Students Coming to Taiwan policy, especially after passing the laws that allow Mainland students attending Taiwanese colleges and universities. To be specific, the study focuses on using study motive as an independent variable, and examining the relationship between the extent of Terrestrial Students Coming to Taiwan Policy and Mainland students’ overall enrollment rates in Taiwanese colleges and universities. The research design adopts a quantitative research method. The data collection method includes a survey on study motives of the 250 Mainland students currently studying at the colleges and universities in the northern part of Taiwan. The survey aims to seek the responses from the subjects based on a likert-type scale. The data analysis methods include generating descriptive statistics of the survey data by using the softwares SPSS and Amos 18. T-test and ANOVA are also used to further examine the relationships of variables in order to confirm or disconfirm the hypotheses of the study. The findings indicate that there exist partial differences among Mainland students’ different study motives, the extent of Terrestrial Students Coming to Taiwan Policy, and overall enrollment rates. Moreover, there are significant correlational relationships among Mainland students’ different study motives, the extent of Terrestrial Students Coming to Taiwan Policy, and overall enrollment rates.




Cheng, S. T. (2015). 大陸 學生來臺就學政策執行之研究─以逢甲大學為例 [master's thesis, Feng Chia University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6341/fcu.M0201007
