  • 學位論文


Research for the fake marriage problem of population from mainland China in Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳建甫


我國政府自1987年7月15日解除戒嚴,同年11月2日開放大陸人民來臺探親後,兩岸交流日漸頻繁,近期間隨著兩岸人民通婚者日增,婚後大陸配偶申請來臺探親、依親極易獲准,且馬總統 2008 年主政後,提出「放寬外籍配偶及大陸配偶工作資格,嚴禁歧視待遇」及「保障婚姻移民享有完整工作權與社會權,不因人籍與否而有差別」等政策,秉持「反歧視 」 、「民主法治」、「保障真實婚姻權益」及「杜絕假結婚」原則,修法調整大陸配偶相關制度,如縮短取得身分證年限、放寬大陸配偶工作權等措施;再加上,臺灣地區經濟繁榮,民生富裕,生活水準遠高於大陸地區,大部份大陸地區人民在內地無法取得改善經濟的條件,在兩岸聯婚人數不斷的增加的情況下,大陸地區人民遂改以「假結婚」的手段,非法移民,促使人蛇集團可趁之機,與色情業者相互勾結,將大陸女子引進臺灣從事色情行業,且現今兩岸欠缺有效之溝通協調平臺,致「假結婚」真賣淫之情況十分嚴重,影響層面最廣也最深。 本論文研究目的:一、現行大陸女子來臺結婚概況,假結婚動機、種類、態樣。二、藉由文獻回顧,相關統計數據輔助分析闡明,提供防範機制與解決之道。 三、就查獲之非法大陸假結婚女子個案詳加研析,探討渠等來臺假結婚動機、目的及來臺方式。四、最後,融合個人實務方面的執法經驗,就偵辦之實際案例,提出改善建議,作為日後修法或實務執行時之參考。 本研究途徑及方法,是以歷史研究途徑,以透過文獻探討(literature survey method)、深度訪談(interview research method)與四個案實證研究方法探討;四個案分別有一、變相移民 中國夫妻變臺灣人二、富商找友代娶小三、人蛇集團宅配大陸應召女洽帝寶、鴻喜四、兩岸共打破獲人蛇集團、假結婚真賣淫。 研究發現: 一、 對我國影響方面:有國家安全、社會治安、威脅國民健康、增加財政負擔。 二、 現行防制大陸地區人民假結婚來臺制度面缺失有,1.面談人員之提問、形式上技能及警覺有待加強,未能針對顯有疑慮之問題深入追問,2.相關通聯紀錄及金融聯徵中心信用證明資料未能附卷供參;部分面談人員於面談時,僅片面採信人頭老公之說詞,即認定其電話聯繫頻繁、經濟狀況良好又無負債,卻疏於再作更深入之查證3. 訪查頻率過低,難以察覺異常。 三、 大陸地區人民假結婚來臺主因是以經濟問題為導向。 四、 大陸人民假結婚來臺模式手法日益更新。 本研究建議:就「大陸地區人民假結婚來臺問題」研究過程及融合實務經驗,認為防範之道,應從「發現問題、尋找原因、提出對策」思考過程中,提出「預防層面」、「執法層面」、「機制層面」等三個層面著手,以供改進之參考。


假結婚 賣淫 訪查 面談


Since the government announced martial law in Taiwan would officially end on July 15, 1987, they also began allowing mainland citizens to visit their relatives in Taiwan on November 2nd. With the lift of allowing mainland residents to visit their relatives to Taiwan, the cross straits interactions have not only increased, the cross straits marriages are also increased rapidly. It’s getting easier to obtain the approval of family visitor visa, and resident certificate. After Mr. Ma Ying-jeou have served in the role of the president in Taiwan in 2008, he sonly amended the “Mainland China Spouse System” basing the fundamental spirit s of “relaxing the requirements for the right to work and strictly prohibited any forms of discrimination” and “protecting the rights for immigrants through marriage being entitled fully to the rights to work and subsidy and insurance, not suffering any forms of discrimination under the ground of status”. Sticking to the principles of “Anti-discrimination”, “Democracy and Ruling by laws”, “Protecting the Rights of Genuine Marriages” and “Cracking down on Sham Marriages”, the amendment of the system is including shortening permanent residency, relaxing the requirements for the right to work, and etc. Taiwan has enjoyed economic prosperity since early years, and people are generally well-off. With a significantly higher living standard than mainland China, and consistently increasing cross-strait marriages, many people from mainland China who have no means to improve their economic condition in China, try to migrate to Taiwan illegally by means of “marriage fraud” to solve their own economic problems. The influence is in a wide variety on society. The purpose of this study is shown as below: 1. The current scope of mainland female marriage in Taiwan, and what are the motives, types, and characters of marriage fraud., 2. To provide the prevention mechanism by the retrospect of past case study and statistics., 3. To seek for the routes and motives according to the case study learned by arrested mainland female illegal false marriage., 4. To propose the possible solution coming from individual law enforcement in practice and to be the future reference. The routes and approaches are through literature survey method, interview research method, and four case studies as follows: 5. The immigration in disguise: The Chinese spouse turned to Taiwanese couple. 6. The rich merchant got secret lovers by friend’s illegal marriage. 7. Prostitution home delivery to mansion went by human smuggling syndicate. 8. Human smuggling syndicate and marriage fraud for Purposes of Prostitution were arrested by criminal judicial co-operation in cross-strait joint fight. According to above approaches, The study concluded the difficulties are as follows: 1. To Taiwan, The National security, public security, threats for public, national finance deficit. 2. The current prevention for mainland female fraud marriage is in shortage of below factors: (1)The proposed questions and interview skills for interviewer is weak, defocused, and rarely especially pinpoint to paradoxical and doubtful issues from their answers. (2)The evidence such as communication logs, credit checks, sometimes doesn’t attached thoroughly to be the strong evidence of the validity of the marriage relationship. Parts of interviewers only partially and subjectively believe what they’ve requested, and recognized with phone interviews, submitted documents in their approach. (3)The frequency for site visit is too low to recognize problems. 3. The mainland female fraud marriage is caused by economics situation. 4. The mode for mainland female fraud marriage is different by days. The suggestions of my essays are: With the practice integration and research process on the problem for mainland female fraud marriage to Taiwan, the solution and prevention should be concerned base on the terms of problem finding, reason seeking, and problem proposing to recommending the future development in three dimensions which are prevention level, execution level and mechanism level.


marriage fraud prostitution interview


