  • 學位論文


Analyzing the Future Business Strategies of Taiwan High Speed Rail Corporation by Analytic Hierarchy Process

指導教授 : 鮑世亨


台灣高鐵通車營運後幾年來,在大眾高期許下積極地處理顧客關係與服務品質進而提升旅客的滿意度與搭乘率。不負眾望根據營運數據顯示高鐵每年搭乘數逐漸成長表現優異,但是未來高鐵如何在與其他運具競爭之下自我逐步改善與提供消費者更有價值的服務將是重要一環的省思,值得研究探討。 本研究參考高鐵相關文獻了解高鐵的建設緣貣、經過與分析個案所處內外環境優劣的實際現況,進而運用SWOT分析法發展出所處環境的競爭策略之因應指標內涵以及建構準則之關鍵要素。並且採用層級分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process ; AHP) 分析評選各策略指標,實施消費者問券調查與分析影響因素之權數比對最後探討出策略優先順序方案提供客觀的看法。得到結論顯示; 一、藉由SWOT分析法與層級分析研究方法建立評估三個考量層面架構,以票務組合為最優先改善、其次為營運組合、規劃組合。意即消費者對票價的滿意度不佳,因此高鐵對提供票務產品應增加多元化的競爭項目。 二、整體之綜合權重前五項排列依序,票務折扣、票券多元化、轉乘航空聯合票券、貨物運輸網絡車廂、營運接駁整合來看,其中票務相關類別所佔三項顯示民眾對於票券改善期望值高,規劃組合的貨物運送服務與營運組合的接駁整合各有一項。 三、經由研究階段結果發現,高鐵運輸系統具有未來交通中心指標,永續經營發展前提慢慢地循依漸進的調整票價或是各站務規劃發展等創造銷售與購買一種雙贏局面。


Since High Speed Rail Train started to operate, it has beenwith public high expectation, actively managing customer relationship and service quality to further increase customer satisfaction and usage percentage. Expectedly, High Speed Rail Train operation data demonstrated that usage percentage has been increasing every year. However, in the future, how High Speed Rail Train seeks for improvement and provides more valuable service when competing against other kinds of transportation is of importance, requiring further study. This study referred to related documents for further understanding of the beginning development of high speed rail train was built, the process of whole project and analysis of its strengthens and weakness under current circumstances. Furthermore, this paper used Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP) method to evaluate each strategic index with the questionnaire to analyze and cross exam each factor’s weighing results. Providing objective views on strategic plans in priority. The conclusion is as follows: 1. With SWOT and AHP methods, this research has three main categories for further evaluation, Tickets category needs urgent improvement, follows by Operation category, Planning category. This result indicated consumers were not satisfied with pricing. Therefore, High Speed Rail Train is advised to increase the diversity of tickets options for better competition. 2. Top five weighing results in order are tickets discount, diversity of tickets, airlines transferring bundle tickets, cargo service, and operation transferring integration. Among all, three tickets related items demonstrated that public has high expectation on tickets improvement. Cargo service from Planning category and transferring integration from Operation category also showed their importance. 3. This study indicated that high speed rail train will be the iconic index for future transportation center. The priority is for permanent. Development may be gradually adjusting the pricing or further development for each station and etc to create a win-win situation between sales and purchase.


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