  • 學位論文

中國的中東政策:邁向戰略夥伴 (1979-2019)

Chinese Policy in the Middle East: Toward Strategic Partners (1979-2019)

指導教授 : 黃介正


與其他鄰近的國家相同,發現美國與中東地區的關係趨於下降後,中國在 中東 地區的活動越來越活躍. 此研究分析了中國對地域性的關注,同時也 評價中國在 中東地區的政治、經濟和安全性行動。從上述行為去評估中國 是否有策略性的接 近相關地區,及這些行動對美國潛藏的意義為何。. 這 篇專題論文專注於中國在中東主要的兩個搭檔國家,例如:伊朗、沙烏地 阿拉 伯。中東目前被分為兩大意識形態近年來,無論是政治、經濟、安全 和地緣戰略 的爭競都處於棘手狀態. 從某種角度來看,中東地區所發生的 現象和兩大意識形 態持續在緊繃狀態有關聯性。 透過在沙烏地阿拉伯和 伊朗之間選擇,或許我們得 以理解及分析中國與中東地區之間的相關性和 活躍性。


China has increasingly active in the Middle East, as some other regional countries find the decline of the United State engagements to the Middle East. This research examines China’s interests in the region and assesses China's political, economic, and security activities in the Middle East to decide whether China has a strategy toward the area and what does it means to the United States. The study focuses on China's ties with two of its leading partners in the Middle East, i.e., Iran and Saudi Arabia. The Middle East has been divided into two main camps ideology. The political, economic, security, and geostrategic competition has been tough in recent years. The happenings in the Middle East somehow are related to the ongoing tension between these two regional powers. By choosing Saudi Arabia and Iran, we may be able to understand and examine the involvement, engagement, and activities of China in the Middle East.


Alterman, Jon B., and John W. Garver, the Vital Triangle: China, the United States, and
the Middle East, Washington, D.C.: Center for Strategic and International Studies,
Al-Sudairi, Mohammend Turki, China in the Eyes of the Saudi Media, GRC Gulf Papers,
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia: Gulf Research Center, February 2013.
