  • 學位論文


Evaluation on Moisture Susceptibility of Warm Mix Asphalt

指導教授 : 劉明仁


溫拌瀝青混凝土(WMA)具有環保、節能及工作性良好等特性,現今國際原油與燃料價格飆漲,加上全球溫室效應地球暖化,如何能響應環保且節能,將溫拌瀝青混凝土應用於實務鋪面工程實為一重要課題。溫拌瀝青混凝土具有較低之拌合和夯壓溫度,故粒料於較低的溫度無法將表面水份排除,加上台灣地區屬於溼熱多雨的氣候,使得實務應用上受到水份侵害之影響也較大。本研究目標在於檢測溫拌瀝青混凝土和傳統熱拌瀝青混凝土(HMA)水份侵害之差異性及特性,以提供鋪面工程上應用溫拌瀝青混凝土之參考依據。 本研究以添加有機添加劑 Sasobit®製成之溫拌瀝青混凝土為研究對象,並使用不同填充材料石粉、熟石灰及水泥,分為控制組與防剝組,並利用試驗室內檢驗剝脫試驗,進行WMA與HMA受到水份侵害之評估與特性研究。本研究試驗結果顯示: 1.根據本研究試驗得知Sasobit®具有使瀝青膠泥高溫降低黏滯度,低溫提高黏滯度之特性。瀝青膠泥加入2%及3% Sasobit®時,能使拌合溫度降低約11℃及14℃,以製作成溫拌瀝青混凝土。 2.根據本研究剝脫試驗結果(除煮沸試驗結果外),發現添加2%及3%Sasobit®製成之溫拌瀝青混凝土對抵抗剝脫能力略優於熱拌瀝青混凝土。而在煮沸試驗結果中,發現未經防剝處理組別在受到高溫時,其剝脫情形較為嚴重,可能是由於加入之有機添加劑具有高溫降低黏滯度的特性。 3.添加熟石灰與水泥防剝材料,能有效提升溫拌瀝青混凝土抵抗水份侵害能力,其中添加熟石灰之組別,於各項剝脫試驗中,都能達到規範要求或建議值,防剝效果最為明顯;添加水泥之組別明顯提高瀝青混凝土穩度值和間接張力強度 4.防剝材料拌合方式不同也對其發揮防剝效能有關,本研究於AASHTO T283試驗另使用預先包裹漿體的濕拌法,結果顯示將防剝材料與水以適當比例混合成漿體,再與粒料混合裹漿之組別,其抵抗剝脫能力與直接添加之組別相比提升約7~10%左右,表示預先將粒料裹漿濕拌的方式能提升防剝能力。


Nowadays the price of crude oil and fuels are getting costly every day. Global warming and greenhouse effect have become important issues in pavement engineering research and development. Warm mix asphalt (WMA) is a new technology that uses lower mixing and compacting temperatures for the production of asphalt mixtures. WMA, therefore, have benefits of environmental protection, saving energy resources, and good workability. Moisture susceptibility of WMA, however, may be a crucial problem due to not completely dried aggregates resulting from its lower mixing temperature, especially in Taiwan’s hot and humid environment. This study investigated the potential of moisture damage of WMA which contained Sasobit® as an additive, and the effectiveness of hydrated lime and portland cement for reducing moisture susceptibility of WMA. Based on the results of several stripping tests, the major conclusions of this study were summarized as follows: 1.Viscosity test results showed that WMA containing Sasobit® had decreased viscosity at higher temperature, and increased viscosity at lower temperature. The reductions of mixing temperature were 11℃ and 14℃ with the addition of 2% and 3% Sasobit®, respectively. 2.Laboratory stripping test results (except boiling test) showed that WMA with 2% and 3% Sasobit® generally performed better than HMA in stripping resistance. The reason why WMA showed worse performance than the HMA did in the boiling test, however, was possibly related to the thermal behavior of Sasobit® and the nature of the boiling test at high temperature. 3.Laboratory stripping test results showed that addition of hydrated lime and portland cement to WMA substantially increased its stripping resistance. Hydrated lime performed better than portland cement did in all stripping tests. 4.Two methods of introducing hydrated lime, dry mixing and wet mixing, were examined. Results of AASHTO T283 test showed that WMA using wet mixing (aggregates coated and dried with lime slurry in advance) performed better than WMA using dry mixing.


1.Hurley, G. C. and B. D. Prowell (2005), “Evaluation of Sasobit® for Use in Warm Mix Asphalt,” NCAT Report05-06.
2.Goh, S. W., Z. You and T. J. V. Dam (2007), “Laboratory Evaluation of Warm Mix Asphalt”, 2007 Mid-Continent Transportation Research Symposium.
10.Kim, Y. R. and J. S. Lutif (2006), “Material Selection and Design Consideration for Moisture Damage of Asphalt Pavement,” NDOR Research Project Number P564 Final Report.


