  • 學位論文


Knowlodge Working Space-Example Of The Architects In Taiwan

指導教授 : 黃瑞茂


二十世紀末,人類開始注意到科技發展的速度,在這短短的幾年內便完全進入現代人生活的每一個面向中。這些科技帶來很多有形無形的幫助,解決了人類生活、工作上在過去難以達成的各種需求,同時也提高了生活的層次。但這些幫助的背後也引來很多廣泛層面的討論,建立在科技裡面人性創造的再超越,抑或是被科技取代,等諸如此類的問題。這些問題其實都是在暗示透過科技設備的媒介,運用各種不同的方式所獲得大量的資訊,究竟對工活或工作提供了多少的幫助,使用者又是站在何種觀點下來看待這些事情,亦即暗示對資訊處理能力是下一個世紀文明發展的關鍵,必須重新審視並且理解這些科技所帶來真正的價值。知識工作便是在這些條件背景下誕生的概念,表示人性對知識的創造能力是開啟一切文明的起源,而科技是透過人類對知識運用後誕生出來幫助生活、工作的產物。發展至今,人類與科技最大的差別在於有無自主性的思考、情緒等,且未來工作若能持續以知識工作為其目標邁進,那麼全世界的便會邁入知識經濟的階段,進而讓文明的發展註記上,記錄下一筆文明發展自數千年以來,重新正視人性創造價值的里程。 自台灣有建築師行業以來,事務這兩個字一直都追隨在這個行業的名稱裡面,建築設計是建築師主要的工作項目,其事務兩個字裡包涵了他工作裡,創造出設計然後把他轉換成設計圖,在經過反覆討論的發展程序,最終把建築物落實然後再移交給使用者。其設計工作過程中出現的設計圖、文書、模型等,乃是經過多人共同運用專業知識,然後做出設計的判斷,所有工作項目和過程都是事務,這個事務同時也是為了讓建築設計建立出來一套規範,用來確保未來即將施作的建築物,能夠按照設計來做正確的執行;而建築師行業的工作裡有一個特殊性,設計專業的養成來自於建築師,在工作上為同事安排不同的訓練,將設計工作的專業精神傳承下去。每一個世代交替的過程有些工作方式會被新的工具取代,從事建築設計的工作者也必須在這些時代的環境條件中,找到新的工作智慧,讓建築更能符合使用者當前的需求。從這些設計工作演進過程來看,設計的知識是不斷的累加,掌握與運用成為建築師在面對新工作中的自我挑戰,集合這些知識反應在社會需求中的設計便是一種智識,建築師工作的改變在過去也有很多類似的經驗,以致於每個時代裡的建築都會出現不同的特徵;事務這個名詞除了是建築師行業工作上的代表之外,也囊括該空間在處理工作上的特殊性,這個特殊性即是替業主創造新的使用空間,以及自己把這些設計智識加諸在每天朝夕相處的空間裡,因應工作上的各種需要而有不同的變動,這些事情如同科技進入現代人的生活當中,建築師的工作與空間接受這些轉變下,開始需要正視對工作有幫助的事情,被安排在空間裡的各種關係。


In the end of 20th century, people start to notice the speed of development in technologies, which had affected into all aspects of our ordinary life in the recent years. These technologies have brought so much tangible or invisible benefits and solved most difficulties and met human needs in life and work. However these benefits had raised much more widespread discussion, such as the humanity would be replaced by technology or overtaken humanity, etc. These issues could imply it’d get the quantity of benefits in life or work, and the viewpoints of the users through the technology media to get a great deal of information. As the ability of handling information would be the key point in the next century of the civilization development, we must review and realize what the real value of them is. Knowledge work is the concept produced by this kind of background, which shows human’s creativity of knowledge is the beginning of all the civilization and technology is produced by applied knowledge to improve our life and work. Nowadays, the most difference between human being and technology is that if it could think and feel or not. In case of we can continue progress by the knowledge work in the future, therefore the world will step into the stage of knowledge economy and it would mark a milepost in the history of civilization development for the human’s creativity. Since the origin of profession of architects in Taiwan, the word, “task”, has accompanied with the profession. The architectural design is architects’ main work item. The task work includes design and discussion, fulfills the buildings and transfers to the users. In design work process, it appears design drawing, document and model, and makes the design decision by specialized knowledge. These tasks would establish the design norm and standard to ensure the building could able to be executed correctly. There is a specific characteristic, which is design skills would foster by the architect to train the staff for sustaining the spirits. Every generation would find out the latest tool to replace the older one, the workers in architectural offices would find out new knowledge intelligence to meet the present users in these circumstances. In the evolution process of design work, the design knowledge is accumulated continuously. To grasp and utilize is architects’ self-challenge, and we call it “the intelligence” which compromise the above-mentioned knowledge: the architects must modify the past similar experiences and it would result in different characters of each building. The noun, “task”, not only represents the career of architect, but also compromise this particularity of dealing with create the new uses of space for the customers, as well as adding the design intelligence into the work environment. In response to the technology’s transforming modern lives, the task and its space in architectural offices accept it under these transformations, start to face up to the benefits in work and arrange them in the office.


2001 《血、汗與淚水》張美惠譯,台北 : 時報文化事業股份有限公司。
2007 《辦公空間經濟學》黃有玫譯,台北 : 漫遊者文化事業股份有限公司。
2004 《美學的經濟》,台北 : 風格者文化事業股份有限公司。
2008 《風格的技術》,台北 : 風格者文化事業股份有限公司。
Strauss. A, Julet. C
