  • 學位論文


Research of the Self-deciding Rights about Reproduction

指導教授 : 許慶雄


自我決定權為個人就一定的私事,有不受公權力的干涉,自我決定的權利。自我決定權的問題領域很廣,性質也都是涉及很多方面。可以確定的是,學說上都認為,生殖活動(reproduction)是自我決定權保障的範圍。 自然的生殖活動中,對於不願意擁有子女之自我決定權的主張,是以避孕與墮胎等行為來表現。在過去歷史上避孕與墮胎之行為是受到政府強力的控制或禁止,但是經由科技的進步、女權主義的發起等原因,使得原本限制的法令都開始受到質疑,進而轉變,朝向愈來愈開放的方向前進。基於男女平等的原則,女性擁有能夠自由地負責的決定生產小孩的數目及出產的間隔之權利,以及對於行使該權利時所需資訊、教育、手段之享有的權利,於是生不生產的選擇就屬於女性的權利。女性墮胎的選擇權利與政府的保障潛在生命之利益會有程度不同的衝突,而該衝突要如何調整即是現今墮胎權的問題,而不再只是開放與禁止墮胎的選擇問題。 人工生殖技術發展之後,不孕者出現新的生育子女之機會與方式,但是由於人工生殖技術的種類很多,其所帶來的相關問題也因此非常複雜。藉由人工生殖技術生育子女之後所面臨的問題是不只影響不孕者自身,其所出生子女之權益,配偶的權利,甚至是代理孕母之權益等,都不是單憑不孕者之自我決定權所可以來因應處理的,因此當各人之權利相衝突時該如何調整是必須討論之處。再加上,人工生殖技術發展產生各個國家法律制定當初所未料想到的問題,因此隨著人工生殖技術發展,各國為因應可能發生的不同問題,開始著手制定法規制來避免此技術帶來不良之影響。 生殖活動中有關自我決定權之問題,無論是墮胎或是使用人工生殖技術生育子女,皆是對個人而言很重要之決定。特別是因為生殖活動的相關技術增加,而使此問題又多出一些討論的空間,在這樣的發展之下,生殖活動中有關自我決定權可以行使的範圍就是一個需要討論的問題。


The self-deciding right is that people who decide some individual certain private affairs without the interference from the governing authority. The self-deciding right involves many kinds of private affairs, and it is definitely that reproduction is one of the matter of the rights. People express their assertions that they do not want to have a baby with the way that is contraception or abortion. In the past contraception and abortion were illegal in some states ,but because the advance of the science and technology and feminism is beginning, some laws about contraception and abortion have to be change. According to the sexual equality,woman can choice that how many children she wants to have and when she can make it with her responsibility,and she can get the information、education、and method which are necessary,so people choice to have a baby or not is a right of women. There are conflicts between the right that women decide to abortion and the baby’ life that government will safeguard.How to makes these conflicts to be reconcilable is the problem that now we have to do. Ectogenesis is the other way that people can own a child, especially for people who are vibriosis. People use ectogenesis will make some problem that is not only about himself ,but also about the child that will be borned in the future, and who’s husband or wife, even about another one yon never see. So when some conflicts happen between these people’s, How to makes these conflicts to be reconcilable is a important mission. Every country is begging to draw the law for ectogenesis to avoide it be used by wrong way.


李鴻禧譯 蘆部信喜編〔1995〕『憲法』元照。


