  • 學位論文


The study of Impacts of US-Japan Allience on Taiwan Strait Security

指導教授 : 王高成


自第二次世界大戰結束後,世局因為美國及蘇聯兩強及其所影響之國際組織與國家不斷發生衝突與紛爭,造成長期紛亂與分裂,危機次數之頻繁與影響之深遠,在在使得人類社會所籌劃的國際組織瀕臨瓦解與價值混亂的境地。中國大陸的赤化、韓戰、越戰、古巴危機、核戰危機、以巴衝突及中東危機、石油與能源危機、波灣戰爭以迄九一一事件所造成反恐怖主義盛行而肇致阿富汗戰爭及二次波灣戰爭等種種問題都在考驗各國之外交合縱連橫及戰略規劃與部署之能力與遠見,在全球化、資訊化快速改變國際形勢的今日及未來,不當或過時的戰略規劃與佈勢,必然造成更大的危機與禍害。此所以對於容易引起爭端地區之戰略研究與決策訂定及危機處理能力之建立,乃為當務之急;而東北亞地區即是被評估為危險區域,極可能使區域內國家或同盟關係,因局部的衝突而引發全面戰爭。 美日同盟及安保條約訂定堪稱是冷戰時期美國在東北亞地區圍堵共產主義的產物。主要是依據一九五一年的「美日共同合作與安保條約」(Treaty Of Mutual Cooperation and Security Between the United States Of America and Japan)。而後在一九六O年曾修訂過一次。在一九七八年兩國又制定了「美日防衛合作指針」(Guidelines for U.S.-Japan Defense Cooperation)。惟自一九九O年代之後,東亞情勢丕變,尤其是美日安保體系所圍堵的蘇聯的瓦解,繼之中共崛起,使得美日安保條約不得不改弦更章,進行多次協商。 進入後冷戰時期以來,由於經濟因素在國際關係之重要性激增,各國經濟相互依賴的程度與日俱增,以致既競爭又合作成為後冷戰時期國際關係的主要特徵,而就中共、美國與日本之間的關係而言,中共與美、日兩國的關係是經濟合作大於競爭,而在政治與安全威脅上是對抗大於合作;美日兩國在安全威脅、政治上是合作多於對抗,但是在經貿關係上則是競爭多於合作。這種三角平衡的關係使得強權間不致採取過激的行動,而選擇以交往代替對抗。 本文主在探討冷戰後美日安保體系再確認的原因及中、美、日三角關係對台海安全之影響。將比較與探討「美日安保合作」於冷戰時期與冷戰後的異同點,從中─美─日三國的政軍經關係來探討美日安保合作對三角關係的影響,尤其,如果中共成為美日同盟的假想敵時,中共之反應及對我之戰略佈勢作為所造成的影響!最後則是探討冷戰後美日安保合作對東北亞和平與安定的衝擊。 本論文主要目的在於加強對美日安保合作乃至於整個東北亞政軍關係有更深入的瞭解,並能為「台、美、中(共)、日」戰略關係的研究者提供研究途徑,尤其對於台灣如何在前述關係中善用樞紐地位以爭取國家生存與發展,研擬對策提供較宏觀的思考方向。


Since World War II ended, the situation of the world has caused a long-term tangle and disunion because of two world powers, the United States and the Soviet Union, and their influence over other international organizations and nations resulted in conflict and disputes without end; the frequency and the effect of being in crises were persistent and profound; and have put the international organizations which were planned by the society of mankind on the verge on crumbling and value disordered over and over again. From Mainland China’s communizes , the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the crisis in Cuba, the crisis of nuclear war, the conflict between Israel and Palestine , the petroleum and energy crises, the Persian Gulf War and the crisis in the Middle East to 911. Events have brought about a prevalent counter-terrorist environment; these, along with a variety of other issues which have caused the Afghanistan War and the Second Persian Gulf War have placed demands each country and put them to the test on the capability and providence of their diplomacy policy which is ‘forge an alliance or join forces, and strategic programme and disposition of troops’. While globalization and adequate information swiftly change the international situation presently and in the future, inappropriate or out-of-date strategic programmes and disposition would cause greater crisis and disaster! So the task of top priority to those districts where a dispute is easily provoked is to review the studying and decision-making of strategies and the ability of coping with crises; and the Northeast Asian area is assessed as the danger area, make the countries or allied relations in that area most probably cause the general war because of part conflict. The US concluded an alliance and security treaty with Japan, may call a product of which the US blocked the Communism up in the Northeast area during the cold war. According mainly to “the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security Between the United States of America and Japan” that was signed in 1951, which was amended once in 1960. In 1978, these two countries established the Guidelines for U.S.-Japan Defense Cooperation once more. But afterward 1990, the circumstance of East Asia had a great change, especially from that Treaty which blocked the Soviet Union and caused the break down, and then Communism in Mainland China rose abruptly. The Treaty between the US and Japan offered no choices for both countries other than consulting and discussing to make a fresh start. Since entering the post-Cold War era, because the importance in the international relations of economic factor increases sharply, the degree that the economy of various interdependent countries grows with each passing day, so that compete for as well as cooperate in becoming the main characteristic of the international relations of post-Cold War era. As regards relation between the Communist Party of China, U.S.A. and Japan, the Communist Party of China and relation of the United States and Japan are that the economic cooperation is greater than competing, confront with each other and is greater than cooperating in the politics and security are threatened; The America and Japan are threatening safely, politically to cooperate rather than confronting with each other, but competing rather than cooperating on the trading tie. The relation of such triangular balance makes the powers unlikely to adopt a policy of extreme drastic action, and choose to substitute face-off with contacts. This text mainly probes into the reason of reconfirming of America and Japan security protection system after Cold War, and its influence for Taiwan Strait’s safety on triangle relation among the Communist Party of China, U.S.A., and Japan. A comparison will be made on the ‘Security Protection Treaty of America and Japan’ and ‘Defend the Cooperative Indicator in the America and Japan’ in the Cold War with ‘the Common Declaration of Security Protection of the America and Japan’ and ‘the America and Japan Defend the New Indicator of Cooperation’ after the Cold War ended; probe into the similarities and differences of America and Japan security protection in the period of the Cold war and afterwards; from the side of politics, military and economic to learn the influence on their triangle relation from ‘the security protection of America and Japan’, in particular, if the Communist Party of China, at becoming an imaginary enemy to alliance between America and Japan, what would be her reaction and the influence of its strategic overall arrangement to us! In conclusion, the impact on the cooperation of security protection of America and Japan when it meets the peace and stable in Northeast Asian after Cold War will probe into. The main purpose of this thesis consists in strengthening the cooperation of security protection between America and Japan, and even go deeper into understanding the relation to politics and militaries of the whole Northeast Asian region, also can offer the way of studying to researchers of the strategy relations of ‘Taiwan, the U.S.A., the Communist Party of China, Japan; in particular, how to make the best of the pivot status in order to strive for national survival and development in the above-mentioned relation to Taiwan, study and plan to offer a more macro-thinking direction in countermeasure.


“Security Treaty between The United States of Amefica and
“Treaty Of Mutual Cooperation and Security between Japan and
The United States Of America,”January 19,1960.
U.S.Department of Defense,United States Security Strategy for
International Security Affairs,February,1995
