  • 學位論文


Application of A Spatial-temporal Data Model on Environmental Inspection and Decision-making procedure—A Study of Public Nuisance Petition Process

指導教授 : 羅惠瓊


環境品質的改善一直是政府與國人重視的議題,但環境污染的嚴重程度又常受地理與時間的影響而產生變化,使致環保署稽查工作困難。為達到及時改善環境污染問題,環保署成立環保報案中心,設置公害陳情專線,並結合全國22個環保局之稽查作業,處理民眾所陳述之公害陳情問題。迄今,隨著民眾對於生活環境重視與維護的意識逐漸提升,環保署每年所受理的公害陳情案件量亦每年不斷攀升,導致環保單位在有限人力下,對案件處理的效率及人力分配上已面臨重大考驗。此外,過去環保署主動稽查篩選重大污染源地點是採用人工方式分析及篩選,故相當耗時並造成主動稽查效能並不佳。有鑑於此,故本研究應用地理時空模式的概念建立一個可展現地理與時間特性的新資訊平台,並依據系統不同使用者的需求,發展此資訊系統的應用介面,期能解決公害陳情業務的困境、改善稽查作業之效能,並提昇環保署為民服務的品質。 在此新的資訊平台建置完成之後,經由系統測試與運用與輔助後之下,發現具有下列成效: (1) 在稽查人員方面,除可大幅提升案件處理時效,以及輔助稽查人員現場稽查作業以達經驗傳承之成效外,亦可協助規劃稽查行程,加快稽查人員到場速度和稽查效率。 (2)在決策者方面,可藉由系統迅速找出污染熱區,協助決策者主動稽查之作業規畫。另外,亦設計環域分析功能,作為協助決策者決策支援。 (3)民眾加值服務方面,提供即時查詢功能及「居家環境品質查詢」系統,讓民眾可隨時掌握案件處理進度及其居家環境資訊。


Improvement of environmental quality has been a central focus of governments and citizens alike. However, the scope and degree of environmental pollution incidents are affected by both geological and temporal factors. This increases the difficulties in environmental protection administration. In order to meet the demands of issues relating to environment pollution improvements, the Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan, R.O.C. (Taiwan) established Environment Protection Complaints Center with hotlines for pollution incident reports. As the citizens of Taiwan gained awareness and concerns for environment protection, pollution incidents reported to the EPA continues to rise in numbers. This poses a serious stress on the EPA’s manpower and efficiency. In the past, EPA relied on manual selections of pollution sites for active inspections in the past. This consumes considerable amount of time and is of low efficiency. For this reason, the current research introduced a new information technology platform based upon the geological and temporal model. This platform provides different application interface in order to assist in pollution inspections provided by the EPA. Upon completion of the information system platform, the following functions are found to be improved by the system based on system testing: 1. Increased efficiency in inspectors’ case handling. Inspection routing is also assisted, allowing inspectors to arrive on-site sooner. 2. For decision-makers, the system allows quick detection of pollution hotspots, aid in decision-making and planning. In addition, area-analysis is also provided. 3. Value-added service for citizens are provided via real-time search function, as well as “Home Environment Quality Inspeciton” system, allowing citizens to gain information regarding progress of cases filed and their home environment.


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