  • 學位論文


The Comparative Study of Automobile Insurance Between Taiwan and China

指導教授 : 廖述源


台灣產物保險市場業務發展已趨近飽和,業者苦於追求業績成長而相互爭食彼此地盤,造成惡性競爭,其實良性擴大業績,應是把市場這塊餅做大,做大市場,除努力研發新產品外,最直接有效就是開發新市場,此刻正是產險業走出台灣,將觸角延伸海外的時機。 台灣保險公司到大陸開拓業務,具有同文同種、風俗民情相似及地處相鄰的便利,不僅能增加業務亦為公司國際化踏出第一步,進而可將業務觸角逐步擴展到亞洲、歐洲以至於美洲而完成遍布全球網絡之目標。在大陸經營產險業務,當以經營汽車保險最易著手且業務量最大,因此欲踏入大陸保險市場之業者,確實必要充分瞭解彼岸車險的經營現況,以臻知己知彼之境,爲逐鹿中原做好準備。 本論文即是針對海峽兩岸汽車保險經營之異同,從市場、行銷、核保、理賠四個面向做比較研究,最後再綜合結論並提出對兩岸相關建議,希望能作為台灣產險業者進軍大陸產險市場之參考;並以此為石,成為有志研究大陸產險市場之能人賢士之基礎資料,以收拋磚引玉之效。


The general insurance market in Taiwan encounters intense competition while the insurers are endeavoring to grab business each other and achieve the goal of business growth, as a result of it, the room of further market growth and improvement of profitability is very limited. The most sensible way to grow up the market scope should be expanding the market by way of developing new territories in addition to developing new products, now it is the time to step out of local market and extend business activities into overseas market. Taking the advantage of identical language and culture and geographical adjacency, Taiwan insurance industry can take China market as the stepping stone of internationalization when developing business in mainland. To operate general insurance in China, motor insurance should be the line most easy to start up and with the largest portfolio, therefore it is essential to any insurers who intend to enter China market to study carefully the practice of motor insurance in China market, and get them well ready to enter the market. The thesis is aiming at the variation between the auto insurance markets of the two sides of the strait, undertakes analysis in three aspects including marketing, underwriting and claim handling, and conclude comprehensively to provide suggestion to the two market industries, the writer wishes the thesis can provide reference to the Taiwanese insurers who plan to develop business in China market, and also share mutually intelligence and experience with the professionals in the industry.


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