  • 學位論文


The relationship of executive level manager recruiting & firm performance

指導教授 : 林谷峻
共同指導教授 : 林芳綺(Fang-Qi Lin)


中國唐朝的「貞觀盛世」(AD627~649)獲得許多史學家論述歌頌,當時大老闆唐太宗即言:「以史為鏡,可以知興替」。我們透過部份指標性企業營運之分析,可瞭解其成功之條件或失敗的原因。經由學術研究,有系統彙整各企業不同策略規劃所產生的結果,可使未來企業在訂定營運策略時,有充足資訊得利用參考,擇其優而從善利用,去其劣而避蹈覆轍。 高階經理人之招募來源,對公司之經營績效有多方層面的影響。本研究採用其中『信任』為影響因素之中介變數,再以Cannella & Lubatkin(1993)任職二年時間為分界之主張,招募來源之任職滿二年者屬內部提昇;低於兩年者稱為外部繼任者(亦即為空降),並分別討論其對企業之「經營績效」、「任務績效」及「脈絡績效」三個層面的影響。最後依據「量表效度」及「信度」,以「迴歸線性」分析信任構面對經營績效構面之因果關係。 研究實證結果顯示,員工對於高階經理人的信任,在其到職年資為二年以上方面有正向影響。換言之,聘用到職年資二年以上之高階經理人(即內部提昇),員工對於高階經理人有較高的信任度,其將直接或間接對經營績效產生正面的影響,亦提供員工一個可努力達成的目標,組織內部較能凝結共識,企業競爭力提高後,經營績效必然突飛猛進。


" Zhen-Guan Golden Age "(AD627~649) of the Tang Dynasty of China had been discussed and celebrated by many historians. Emperor Tang Tai-Zong (The Big Boss) left the dictum " One can know the rise and fall from the mirror of history " to the following generations. So, by means of the operating analysis of some indicative businesses, we can understand the way they achieved success or doomed to failure. Through academic research, the results of different strategic planning made from each enterprise should be systematically filed. The archives would provide sufficient information for enterprises to refer to, and so enterprises could set their future operating strategies more elaborate. Choosing the excellence from the good to use, and eliminate the inferiority to avoid making the same mistakes . The sources of the recruitment of senior managers have multi-level impact on company's operating performance. This research is based on trust of intermediary variable for recruiting executive level to influence the performance relationship. Served for full two years referred to internal promotion, and less than two years called external successor(ie, airborne). Discussing the impacts to enterprises in "Business performance"、" Task Performance " and " Contextual performance " three dimensions. Finally, according to the "scale validity" and "reliability", we can analysis the causal relationship between the trust dimensions and business performance dimensions by using the tool of "Linear Regression". The empirical results indicated that employees’ trust have positive impacts when their senior managers’ holding a post are more than two years. In other words, employees will have higher level of trust when their senior managers have been worked more than two years(ie, Internal Promotion). It will directly or indirectly bring a positive impact on business performance, and employees can also earn a goal to pursue after. The higher consensus organization gathered, the stronger competitiveness enterprise improved, and so, the better operating performance will reach.


3、林公孚(2004),領導與領導者,品質月刊,40卷3期 :頁67-70。


