  • 學位論文


The Analysis of the cross-strait Aesthetic Medicine Markets

指導教授 : 李志強


隨著科技進步瞬息萬變,加上社會的高齡化人口趨勢,人們對於抗老與外在樣貌更加重視與照顧。除了對身體內在健康保養重視外,對於外在相貌也逐漸重視,且隨著衛生教育的普及、個人保健意識的提升,越有能力提高於醫學美容相關服務及療程的花費,也對這種非必要性醫療行為接受度逐漸升高,進而推升醫學美容市場之發展契機。 醫學美容在世界市場中已形成新興的產業,美國、日本、韓國醫學美容手術比例均明顯高於中國。人們生活水平不斷提高,使得美容外科蓬勃發展,中國醫學美容發展已進入繁榮的時代,本文討論中國在醫美產業上民營機構的發展、目前醫美市場現況以及討論現階段中國在該產業所遇到的問題與解決途徑。 全球醫美熱潮開始從歐美國家延燒至亞洲地區各國。韓國已搶先打響名號,高舉醫美品牌旗幟;東南亞各國家憑藉著得天獨厚的觀光優勢,將醫美療程與觀光產業結合,開創出前所未有的廣大商機;而臺灣本土醫美產業的發展更不甘屈於人後,以一流技術、親切服務及兼顧品質、效率的管理制度享譽國際。作者先從簡單介紹臺灣醫學美容發展歷程,在探討臺灣的消費現況,以能夠了解並分析目前臺灣在該產業上所遇到的問題。 醫學美容產業是世界矚目的新興醫療產業,由於臺灣近年來成為逐漸攀升的新興產業板塊,也是政府所重視與協助拓展的產業領域,若能開發出有別於傳統產業紅海競爭市場的競爭策略,將競爭危機化為轉機,則必能注入一番新契機,在經濟產值上增加新利基。欲瞭解臺灣醫學美容產業的發展現況及環境的狀況,先藉由PEST分析做兩岸大環境的市場評估,並期望藉由進行兩岸醫學美容產業的五力分析,以瞭解周遭競爭環境及針對臺灣及中國醫學美容產業的SWOT分析以瞭解醫美產業的對於臺灣的優劣勢及機會威脅。以整合性、系統性的方向來探索臺灣醫學美容產業所面臨之環境優劣勢及機會與威脅,在最後建構屬於臺灣醫學美容產業的競爭優勢。 從緒論開始研究醫療美容市場的動機以及作者欲研究的目的;再綜觀全球醫美的興起與發展。先介紹中國醫療美容的發展與市場現況,並提出中國目前所面臨之問題與解決途徑;再來以臺灣部分為主體,簡述臺灣的醫美發展,並做目前的消費現況分析,最後在提到目前臺灣在該產業所面臨的問題;重點為為兩岸醫學美容市場之環境分析,分別以PEST分析、五力分析及SWOT分析及去討論兩岸市場的狀況。利用資料的結合與分析,再做出最後的結論。


Nowadays, with the fast improvement of technology and the rapid aging of the population, people concern more on their appearance. Also, people have higher awareness of health issue, thus rather than the internal health of their body, more and more people willing to spend money on the treatment of medical cosmetology. Such treatment is non-essential, but for the reason described, the potential of this market is rising. Medical cosmetology has become a fresh industry in many countries, such as Japan, USA, Korea. Compare with those countries, the market in China is relatively small. Although it is relatively small , still with the improvement of the living standard, the development of medical cosmetology of China is in the prosperity stage. For this essay, we will discuss about the development of the private institutions of medical cosmetology in China. More than that, we will investigate the problem of this industry that they are facing and the way to solve these problems. The upsurge of the medical cosmetology transmit from the European countries to the Asian countries. Korea is the representative of Asian, they have lots of their own medical beauty brands. For many Asian countries, they combine the medical cosmetology industry with the tourism Industry, such combined industry has very high developing potential. For the medical cosmetology industry in Taiwan, it is well known in the global market, because of their advance technology, friendly service and high efficiency management. The essay is going to investigate the problem that such industry is facing by discussing the history of the development of the medical cosmetology and the market developed in recent years. Medical cosmetology is the new rise industry globally. Because of the rapid development of medical cosmetology industry in Taiwan, the government has already given assistance to it. For this reason, if Taiwan can develop a special medical cosmetology industry compare with other countries, they can transfer such competitive crisis to their own advantage and it is beneficial to their economy. By the PEST analysis, Porter five forces analysis and the SWOT analysis towards the China and Taiwan market, we can understand the status and environment of the medical cosmetology industry in such market nowadays. By the integrated and systemic investigation, we can understand the threat, opportunity of such industry in Taiwan. Base on such environmental information, we can know more about the competitive advantage of the industry in Taiwan. In the beginning, we start from the aim of the investigation of the medical cosmetology industry and looking at the development of such industry globally. Next, we introduce such market in China and their problem that they are facing. Then, we analysis the industry of Taiwan. The Emphasis is base on the PEST analysis、the Porter five forces analysis and the SWOT analysis toward the industry between China and Taiwan. At last, the summary is done by using the integrated analysis.


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