  • 學位論文


A Study on the Needs of Medical Cosmetic Surgery Mainland Tourists in Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳宗玄


2012年元旦,政府正式開放陸客來台健康檢查和醫學美容,依據內政部於100年12月30日修正發布大陸地區人民入台許可辦法,只要是衛生署公告核可從事健檢醫美的醫療機構,都可以直接以「健檢醫美」為事由,向移民署代申請大陸地區人民來台進行健檢醫美,然後順便觀光。在海峽兩岸語言相通、文化相融和費用相對便宜的優勢下,為我國醫療觀光產業帶來龐大的商機,市場前景看好。 大陸現為台灣最大的觀光客源地,2008年政府開放陸客來台觀光,依內政部移民署統計,陸客以團進團出方式來台的人數累計已達279萬人次,2011年大陸旅客來臺創新高達1,784,185人次,其中觀光人數1,290,933人次。陸客自由行開放實施滿週年至101年6月26日止,總申請數已達103,534人,來台人數已經突破每天750人。交通部觀光局統計顯示,2011年陸客來台觀光帶來的商機約928億元新台幣,2008年7月至2012年9月,累計創新台幣3844億元外匯收入(交通部觀光局行政資訊系統),為旅遊市場帶來久旱逢甘霖的效應,陸客的消費力不容小覷。 因此,本研究將深入探討陸客對台灣醫學美容之需求,供旅遊業者與醫療機構做為發展陸客來台進行醫學美容的指南。


New Year''s Day 2012, the government officially opened Taiwan to mainland health checks and medical cosmetic People from Mainland China into the station license approach correction published in accordance with the Ministry of the Interior on December 30, 100 years, as long as the Department of Health announced the approval of U.S. doctors in the health examination of medicalinstitutions can direct U.S. doctors to "health check" reasons, to apply to the immigration Department on behalf of the people of the Mainland Area health check doctors US then Incidentally sightseeing. The same language in cross-strait cultural blending and the relatively cheap cost advantage, bring huge business opportunities, market prospects for China''s medical tourism industry. The mainland is now Taiwan''s largest tourist source, in 2008 the government allowing mainland tourists to Taiwan for sightseeing, according to the National Immigration Agency statistics, mainland tourists to the way to the number of tour groups has reached a total of 2.79 million passengers in 2011 mainland visitors to innovation up to 1,784,185 people, including sightseeing number of 1,290,933 visitors. The implementation of the first anniversary of the exercise of opening up of the mainland tourists to 101 years ended June 26, the total number of applications reached 103,534 people, the number of people coming to Taiwan has exceeded 750 people a day. Tourism Bureau statistics show that in 2011, mainland tourists to Taiwan for sightseeing brings opportunities of about 92.8 billion yuan NT, July 2008 to September 2012, the cumulative innovation NT $ 384.4 billion yuan foreign exchange earnings (Tourism Bureau, MOTC administrative information system), for the tourist market, bring the effect should not be underestimated, the spending power of mainland tourists. Therefore, this study will explore in depth medical cosmetic needs of mainland tourists to Taiwan for tourism development of mainland tourists to Taiwan for medical cosmetic and medical institutions as Guide.


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李麗燕(2017)。開放陸客來台 對台灣醫美產業影響研究〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2017.00377
