  • 學位論文


A Case Study on Advantages of the Taiwan's Aesthetic Medicine Center to the Target Market of Chinese Tourists- Analyzed Based on VRIO Framework

指導教授 : 盧昱蓉


近年來政府大力推動醫療觀光,而陸客又是最被看重的市場。就美容醫學而言,除了語言相通之外,台灣醫師的技術純熟、施術價格又比大陸便宜許多,對於陸客來台接受美容醫學應是極大的誘因。因此本個案研究以VRIO架構分析X美容醫學中心經營陸客的經驗,探討其經營陸客之優勢,並了解陸客來台接受美容醫學的現況以及未來發展趨勢。 研究結果發現:X美醫中心為台灣目前最大的連鎖美醫中心,加上長期與大型醫療院所配合並與大陸的醫療機構合作,所以在承辦陸客業務上自有其優勢。此外,X有別於一般美醫中心的營業重點,以及對醫材品質的堅持也都是X所擁有的優勢。雖然持有這些優勢,但內部的經營管理與人事制度不佳,導致員工流動量大且向心力不足,這些都是X美醫中心的隱憂。因現正值開放陸客來台接受美容醫學初期,所以整個美醫市場都還處於一個摸索期;且大多數來台之陸客雖然沒有美容醫學的觀念卻持從事美容醫學之簽證來台,多半是因為以此種方法來台觀光較為容易。本研究經過解析並探討美醫業者的處境以及陸客實際來台的現況,提供業界發展陸客來台從事美容醫學時實務上之運用及學界後續研究之參考。


Taiwanese government trumpets medical tourism in recent years, and Chinese tourists are considered as the most important revenue source for this potential market. In the case of aesthetic medicine, the incentives for Chinese tourists to receive aesthetic medical treatments in Taiwan include identical language, highly skilled doctors, and lower medical costs compared with China. Thus the purpose of this paper is to analyze the experiences of the X Aesthetic Medicine Center in running the business targeted to Chinese tourists, based on the VRIO framework, in order to probe into the status of current Chinese tourist medical tourism in Taiwan and future development. The results of this research show: as the biggest chain aesthetic medicine center in Taiwan, X Aesthetic Medicine Center has the experiences of long term cooperation with major hospitals in Taiwan and MeiLai Aesthetic in China, and all these are X’s advantages of running the business target to the Chinese tourists. To focus on different major of running the business and insist on providing the high quality materials for customers are considered as X’s advantages as well. Even comes with these advantages, XAesthetic Medicine Center is poor at internal management and personnel management, so X has a very high turnover of staff. These are what the X should worry about. Since the government policies just started to allow Chinese tourists for receiving aesthetic medical treatments in Taiwan, the entire market still fumble for a best model. Although most of the Chinese tourists do not have any idea of aesthetic medicine, but they try to obtain Taiwan tourist visas for medical tourism, because that is the easiest way to visit Taiwan. This research has been analyzed and discussed the current status of aesthetic medical industry and Chinese tourist medical tourism in Taiwan. It can be a reference for practical business utilization and further academic researches.


梁榮輝、徐中琦、王國彥(2007),台灣塑膠產業發展策略之研究─VRIO架構之應用與分析,全球管理與經濟,第三卷,第二期,頁107-119 。
