  • 學位論文


The survey of demand willingness for reverse mortgage-A case of Taiwan Business Bank customers

指導教授 : 吳坤山


本論文之研究對象為台灣企銀往來客戶,探討往來客戶對以房養老需求意願之認知情形進行實證調查研究。本研究採用立意抽樣之方式抽取樣本,總計發放250份問卷,回收樣本數為200份,扣除無效樣本10份後,有效樣本為190份,有效樣本回收率為95%。透過敘述性統計、卡方分析及Logistic 迴歸分析,主要研究結果如下: (1) 僅28.9%的受訪者願意接受以房養老,說明受訪者對「以房養老」此一新型的養老方式已經具有一定的接受度,但要讓更多受訪者接受這一方式還有進步的空間。 (2) 受訪者的教育程度越高,以房養老需求意願越高;受訪者的子女數量越少,以房養老需求意願越高。受訪者對現有養老資源越不滿意,以房養老需求意願越高;靠子女養老的受訪者,以房養老需求意願越低;子女給予受訪者的生活照顧滿意度越高,其以房養老需求意願越低。 本研究建議發揮政府的主導作用,整合由一個政府單位主導方能有效推動以房養老政策、完善相關政策法規及盡早編列預算,針對貸款期限終了尚存之借款長者,在銀行停止或降低安養金給付時,適時予以生活補助。另借鑒國外的成功經驗,以利我國在以房養老商品設計上不斷進步與完善。暨加強宣傳讓人們瞭解以房養老該產品的益處,然後逐步動搖根深蒂固的傳統養兒防老觀念。


This study focuses on the demand willingness for reverse mortgage cognitive situation of Taiwan Business Bank customers. The sampling method adopted within this research is purposive sampling. Total 250 questionnaires were distributed and 200 copies returned. After removing the 10 invalid samples, there were 190 valid questionnaires remained so the effective response rate was 95%. Descriptive statistics, chi-square analysis and Logistic regression analysis were applied to examine the proposed research framework. After the empirical research, the major findings as follows: (1) Only 28.9% of the respondents are willing to accept the reverse mortgage, indicating that respondents to the " reverse mortgage", this new way of pension has been a certain degree of acceptance, but to allow more respondents to accept this way there progressive space. (2) The study found that the higher the level of education, to accept the willingness of the reverse mortgage for the stronger; the fewer the number of children, the greater the willingness of accepting the reverse mortgage. Respondents are less satisfied with the existing pension resources, the higher the willingness of accepting the reverse mortgage. Rely on children to support the elderly, the lower the willingness of accepting the reverse mortgage. The higher of the satisfaction of daily care from children, the lower the willingness of accepting the reverse mortgage. The research suggests that the government must play a key role in this program. The terms of the policy must be carefully drafted by the financial institutions and will require government oversight. It is expected that financial institutions may need to propose a maximum loan pay out to establish a termination to the agreement. The government will be expected to step in to help its citizens with continued payouts, albeit at a reduced sum. Therefore, the government will need to prepare a forecasted budget for the program well in advance. Data from foreign countries with similar programs can serve as case studies in an effort to improve Taiwan's own development. Furthermore, the government must promote the housing pension policy and encourage its adoption among the general public. In order to be successful, the cultural expectations that require offspring to take care of their elderly must be changed. The new policy will allow seniors to now leverage the opportunity to be given the financial means to care for themselves.


