  • 學位論文


A Feasibility Study of Reverse Mortgage in Taiwan

指導教授 : 林哲群


摘 要 有鑒於人口老化所帶來的社會問題,政府已積極的規劃「以房養老」之房屋逆向抵押貸款(RM,Reversed Mortgage)方案,為低收入之近貧老人建立安養所需。為建立此制度,政府邀集國內外產官學者共同研討,參考國外行之多年的經驗,視國內高齡者需求與政府能力而討論,以此建立「以房養老」制度及避免更多的社會問題。 台灣的「養兒防老」及「不動產留給下一代」的觀念甚重,想要改變觀念過自我生活並不容易,且子女有自己的安排與負擔,無法或不願意照顧父母,非年長一輩所能體會。內政部戶政司資料顯示:臺灣已從民國82年開始進入高齡社會(Aged Society);行政院經建會則推估民國115年將邁入超高齡社會(Super Aged Society),65歲以上人口老化比例超過20%及人口呈現負成長趨勢。在這種人口結構變更情況下,沒有經濟來源的高齡者如何規劃未來生活、為人子女者如何調整收入以便照顧和養護長輩、政府如何擬定出讓民眾接受的方案;能兼顧老人醫療、社會經濟資源與財政方面之整體政策,已不是台灣單方面的事,而是各別家庭與各國共同面臨的重大問題。 本文以三大年金—勞保老年年金、勞工退休金與國民年金和房屋價值試算做為年長者收入假說,並以問卷調查方式,探討40歲以上族群是否願意將自己所有的房屋透過逆向抵押貸款方式取得現金生活?現行討論之房屋逆向抵押貸款內容在臺灣是否可行?並以新加坡建屋局(Housing and Development Board,HDB)對年長者退休後的生活規劃比較,借此提供民眾多了解自己權益的訊息,利用房屋逆向抵押貸款方式解決生活上的困境,進而知道自己所擁有的房屋該如何為自己的老年做一適度規劃。


Abstract In view of the Government has been planning the reverse mortgage(RM) system to establishing for saving people from poverty of low-income which are making social problems from ageing population required. For this system, the Government has been inviting the domestic and overseas official and professional scholar to discuss, and refer to their experiences. As discussed, we may avoid the social problems for domestic ageing population demand. It is hard to changing concept that even aging people likes to living with their own lifestyle, because they could leave the next generation of property and raise children to provide parents, but young people may have its own arrangements for lifestyle or unable or unwilling to take care of their parents. Department of Household Registration shows: Taiwan has begun to enter the “aged society” from 1993, and Council for Economic Planning Development(CEPD) estimate would into “super aged society” on 115 that more than 20% ageing of the population aged over 65 and the negative growth trends in the population by the time. In the case of changing population structure, there is no source of senior citizens to plan for the future life, and the children need to understand that how to adjust their income for the health care and conservation of the elders or the Government need to draft a system for the people—to give consideration to care them, or socio-economic resources and the financial aspects of the overall policy. The thing is not only in Taiwan but the major problems facing in the word. The hypothesis on this article including integrates old-age citizen’s welfare allowance income of three annuities(National Pension Insurance, Labor insurance annuity, Laborer retirement pension), housing value estimate and the way of questionnaire survey to discussion 40 aged peoples who is willing to makes living expenses through reverse mortgage for self or their parent? And discussion the system of reverse mortgage in Taiwan is feasible? Also we will learn about the policy of aging people’s life planning after retirement in Singapore. A reverse mortgage provides people more understanding their own rights and interests to take one step ahead for planning the aged life after retirement.


8.參考資料Taiwan Panorama 台灣光華雜誌,2010年4月號。


