  • 學位論文


Reverse Mortgage Loan Pricing Model

指導教授 : 洪志興


「人口高齡化」是世界已開發國家普遍面臨的現象之一,隨著台灣社會逐漸進入高齡化,高齡化議題也在台灣被政府及各界重視,老年人口化的問題之一是勞動力短缺,也產生了「提前退休」的現象。本研究根據Tse (1995b)其模型來對台灣地區的資料做模擬測試,主要將其分為固定利率及浮動利率兩種方式。希望可以透過此模擬,對在老人年金試算部分有所貢獻。結果表示,年齡和房價對於年金是很重要的控制變數,年齡越大風險會越大,房價越高對於申請年金越有利。年金試算方面,依本研究模擬試算年金,固定式年金每月老年人可領得43,537元,浮動式年金每月老年人可領得42,779元,如此一來老年人能擁有穩定收入,支應一般生活所需。


"An aging population " this phenomenon is one of the world''s developed countries generally faced . As Taiwan society is aging ,that is be attention by government and public . One of the problems is " shortage of labor", and it also makes "early retirement" phenomenon . This research is according by Tse (1995b) model, to do simulation tests by Taiwan area’s data, mainly divided into fixed-rate annuity and floating-rates annuity. Hope can through this test , contribute to the part in terms of pensions. The results showed that the age and house prices are very important control variable to annuity. Risk higher with age, and the higher house price is more favorable to annuity application. According this study simulation of annuities, fixed-rate annuity can receive NT 43,537 , floating-rate annuity can receive NT 42,779. As a result, older people can have a stable income, and cope with everyday needs.


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