  • 學位論文


The Evaluation Research of Housing Equity Program in Taiwan

指導教授 : 林哲群


摘要 為因應少子女化、高齡化社會所產生老人養老問題,行政院責由內政部規劃於2012年11月起實施「以房養老」方案,初期規劃模式如採公益型態,由政府出資;試辦對象為65歲以上單身國民,擁有500萬元以上不動產,無繼承人、無子女,且因不動產價值超出社會救助規定,致未能符合社會救助者(近貧老人);選定土地銀行承作,並已爭取到3,300萬元公益彩券回饋金,作為試辦經費,試辦地區包含台北市、新北市、台中市、高雄市等,或其他有意願參與之縣市;試辦規模100人;支付年限最高30年,按月給付,並得變更或延長支付年限。本研究探討現有「以房養老」方案規劃重點要項,透過搜集相關文獻資料及德爾菲技術問卷調查分析,提出評估方案實施前之綜合看法與建議,做為未來實務操作之參考。本研究對象主要為社會福利之學者專家,自2012年6月10日至7年13日發出87份問卷,回收有效問卷78份(回收率89.66%);同年7月10日至17日進行訪談5位專家(實務工作者)。研究結果顯示受訪者認為「以房養老」方案性質依序為金融商品之逆向抵押貸款、社會照護服務、社會福利(社會救助)措施;建議申請人亦可降為55歲、60歲以上;不限制單身者、有無繼承人、有無子女;應開放一般老人;產權歸屬不限僅有老人,若獲配偶、子女、家人同意亦可申貸。不須限制房地產價值、僅此四個直轄市及一家銀行承作;可鼓勵壽險業、社會福利機構、信託機構等參與;貸款額度再提高5%至10%、按月領取固定金額直到終老的「年金型」;採逆向抵押貸款之固定利率;建議終身給付;政府設立專戶基金;補貼申貸相關費用;提供專業諮詢服務;修正借貸雙方契約更具彈性;修正逆向抵押貸款制度流程圖等。建議政府在該方案實施之前,除專案研究外,能夠多方徵求民意、加強教育宣導與訓練從業人員、制定法規及增加配套措施等。最後,就該方案之評估研究結果,分別從「制度面、法律面、實務面」等提出建議。 關鍵詞:以房養老方案、逆向抵押貸款方案、社會照護服務方案、售後租回年金屋方案


Abstract To cope with the supporting pension issues and to solving problem resulted by low birth rate and aging society. Executive Yuan entrusted the Ministry of the Interior to plan to carry out the Housing Equity Program since November, 2012. The initial planning pattern will be based on public welfare types which will be funded by the government. The subjects of this program are single citizens over 65 years old who own over NT$ five million yuan of real property, have no heirs and children , and beyond the social assistance regulations for real estate values, caused by failure to comply with social rescuers (the near-poor elderly). This program selects to cooperate with the Land Bank and has taken NT$ 33 million public welfare lottery refund as the implementation fund with the pilot areas of Taipei City, New Taipei City, Taichung City and Kaohsiung City, as well as other counties and cities that are willing to participate in this program. The program will be firstly conducted on 100 people with a monthly pension for 30 years at most, in which the period can be changed or expanded. This study explores the planning focus to "Housing Equity " program. Through collecting the related literatures and Delphi technique questionnaire survey and analysis, it proposes the comprehensive opinions and suggestions prior to the program implementation as the reference for future practice. The subjects of the study are mainly the scholars and experts of the social welfare field. It distributed 87 questionnaires from June 10, 2012 to July 13, 2012, and finally returned 78 valid ones (return rate of 89.66%). The researcher also interviewed five experts (practical workers) from July 10 to July 17 in the same year. The study results showed that respondents think the characteristics of the Housing Equity Program include the financial products of the reverse mortgage, social care services, social welfare (social assistance) measures. They suggest the eligibility for the applicants could be expanded to 55 or 60 years old, does not limit a single person, have no heirs and children, which should be opened to the ordinary elderly people. The property ownership should not be only restricted on the elderly people. The loans can be also applied under the consent of the spouse, children or other family members. It also should not set restriction on the value of the real property, only four municipalities and a bank contracts. Instead, it could encourage the insurance industries, social welfare institutions and trust organizations to participate in this program. The loan amount and then increased by 5-10%, and monthly fixed pension can be paid by year in the rest of the annuity type. The fixed interest rate of the reverse loan can be adopted. Moreover, it is suggested the government to pay in the entire life, set up special funds, subsidize the related fees for load application, provide professional consultation service, make the load contract more flexible, and revise the flowchart of the reverse mortgage system. Recommends that the Government prior to the implementation of the program, in addition to project research, should collect the opinions from people, strengthen the education publicity and instruct the related personnel, make laws and regulations and add the supporting measures besides conducting program research. Finally, based on the study results, it proposes the suggestions from the aspects of system, law and practice for this program. Keywords: Housing Equity program(HE);Reverse Mortgage program(RM);Social Care Services program(SC);Sale-Leaseback Transactions program (SL)。


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