  • 學位論文


A Feasibility Study of Reverse Mortgage - Evidences from the Health Care Industry in Taiwan

指導教授 : 許光華


有鑒於台灣人口老化所衍生出的社會問題,政府已積極的規劃推動「以房養老」之房屋逆向抵押貸款(Reverse Mortgage)方案,做為無民法所定之法定繼承人建立安養之需要。 本文以問卷調查方式,探討40歲以上醫療產業從業人員是否願意將自己所有的房屋透過利用逆向抵押貸款方式取得現金來生活?借此協助醫療產業從業人員了解自己權益,並且利用房屋逆向抵押貸款方式解決生活上的困境,進而了解自己所擁有的房屋該如何為自己的老年生活做適度規劃。而本文主要研究結果及建議如下: 一、高中或以下學歷、單獨為人子女者、基層職員及派遣人員、家庭收入在6萬以下的族群、無足夠能力養護父母及長輩者、無房屋族群等,對於未 來退休生活所需費用較無規劃準備。因此政府須對於上述族群未來退休的規劃有所關注。 二、派遣人員、基層職員、專門技術人員、家庭收入在10萬以下的族群、無足夠能力養護父母及長輩者、沒有房子等族群,較願意將自己名下的房屋 抵押給銀行獲取現金做為父母及家人生活費。因此政府若欲推行逆向抵押貸款制度,可針對上述族群加以宣導。 三、家庭收入在20萬以下的族群有較高的意願選擇社會照顧服務型。因此建議政府能將公益型及商業型的以房養老並存,增加退休規劃的選項。 四、各族群對於「一般抵押貸款」及「房屋逆向抵押貸款」的認知並無顯著差異,因此政府若欲實施「以房養老」政策,應加強文宣與訓練從業人員 推廣說明,以促進國民對於「房屋逆向抵押貸款」的了解。


The Taiwanese government is currently exploring the feasibility of housing endowment and reserve mortgage in response to the social problems resultant from population ageing. This research conducts a questionnaire survey on the employees in the health care industry aged 40 or above by inquiring whether they are willing to monetize the real estate properties they own with reverse mortgages to fund their living expenses in retirement. The research findings and suggestions are as follows: (1)The less educated (senior high school or below) with a monthly household income of NT$ 60,000 and without real estate properties tend to be less prepared for the retirement spending and incapable to take care of their parents. The government should pay extra attention to the retirement planning of this group. (2)Those whose household incomes fall below NT$ 100,000 but unable to support their parents are more willing to mortgage their own properties to access cash for living expenses. The government may target this segment in its promotion of the reverse mortgage system. (3)There is no significance difference between the perception of mortgage loans and reverse mortgages among Taiwanese nationals. If the government intends to encourage the monetization of real estates via reverse mortgage for retirement, it should intensify the broad-casting of relevant policies in order to enhance the public’s understanding.


Housing Endowment Reverse Mortgage


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