  • 學位論文


The Buddhism Religion and Policy Study of Qing Dynasty Emperor Gaozong

指導教授 : 吳哲夫


一般認為有清一代文治武功達於極盛,其核心帝王清高宗(1711-1799)之承繼與影響力極為關鍵。是以,對清高宗之研究方興未艾,從來都是清代學術研究的重心。 然而對清高宗個人涉及佛教信仰方面之研究,卻有著頗具爭議性甚而結論迥異之各種論說。除認同其有佛教信仰之研究之外,又有說其行徑乃類同於歷史上三武一宗之「滅佛」,而更是一位隱微漸進式滅佛之帝王。同時,也有說其亦承前諸清帝之僅是利用佛教般,而如出一轍。事涉一代重要帝王之深入研究,不僅在其個人佛教信仰上之理解,乃至於其佛教政策影響層面之判準解讀上,都有必要細緻綜合觀察,將疑點加以釐清或提出更趨於合理性的詮解,以減少人物文獻理解上之誤判。 本論文始從清高宗宮廷世系背景著手,自清初諸帝觀察起,綜合其涉及佛教信仰之影響背景探討。並以「信仰視域」為主要核心,綜合相關文獻依次探討佛教信仰與政策關係,及其獨特考量處。再分別著重以清高宗所涉及之漢傳佛教與藏傳佛教兩大部分擇要觀察,同時舉出實際案例說明,更廣泛地理解清高宗之佛教信仰及其作用。迭經論述探討後予以綜合評議。 如此則更能確定清高宗是有一定的藏傳佛教信仰,進而對其藏傳佛教信仰細緻層面則予以深淺、偏正、廣狹之探討;同時,清高宗對於漢傳佛教政策之嚴苛限制,不應視為是一種「滅佛」行為。他對待漢、藏傳佛教確實也是存在著差別性的。 經此研究也可以觀察到:清高宗對佛教信仰歷程有著起伏強弱的時間點及其側重處。乃至於存在著對於佛教信仰是「利用」或「運用」之解讀差異,可更微而觀之。因而,對重要帝王人物之佛教信仰理解與政策作為,須更謹慎考量於涉及信仰問題之文獻銓解,並不能一概而論。立足基點不同,見解甚而可以是南轅北轍的。如此,可供帝王信仰領域之相關研究參考。 對佛教信仰視域能更深切的理解,有益於文學、歷史等之細緻與精確。故而,對清高宗以佛教信仰視域為主之探討,除有助於其佛教政策之適切解讀,能更精準理解其帝王人物性格,進一步對其卷帙浩繁之詩文作品中涉佛處,以及其傳記文學,乃至清室諸帝王佛教信仰史等之研究上,能於未來更具有增廣探討面向上之張力。


In the history of Qing Dynasty, the Qing Emperor Gaozong(1711-1799) was the essential man who dominated the Qing Dynasty to the peak on the politics and economy. Thereafter, people would seek and study this period of the Qing Emperor Gaozong as the main emphasis of the Qing Dynasty history. However, according to many studies of Qing Dynasty, the Qing Emperor Gaozong is concluded as controversial and miles apart on his personal Buddhist beliefs. Some of the studies concluded his religion beliefs in Buddhism; some of the studies described him as in the history of ancient time of China, famous of the three different emperors of dynasties eliminated the Buddhism, and his implication is more than these three emperors; Some of the studies described him taking advantage of the Buddhism as the other emperors of early Qing Dynasty. While reading and studying the Qing Emperor Gaozong, as the main role of this study, it is important to clarify his personal Buddhist beliefs and policy of religion in overall to avoid the misleading and misunderstanding. This thesis will start from the overall background and policy of Buddhist beliefs of the Qing Emperor Gaozong and the Emperors of early Qing Dynasty. The main points of this thesis will emphasis on the “ viewshed of religion” and overall discussing the connection between Buddhist beliefs and the political policy. Moreover, during the domination of the Qing Emperor Gaozong, this thesis will review and observe his policy and the effectiveness of policy to the Chinese Buddhism and the Tibetan Buddhism. Meanwhile, listing out and through the examples and cases to reflect the Qing Emperor Gaozong his Buddhist beliefs and how the effects on it. Based on the study that I assume the Tibetan Buddhism, to some extent, as the Qing Emperor Gaozong’s belief in religion and through his opinion and point of view to define the Tibetan Buddhism in many angles. On the other hand, the Chinese Buddhism policy of the Qing Emperor Gaozong, with legislate strict limitation, that it should not being concluded as an elimination. That is the reality of the difference of how the Qing Emperor Gaozong treated the Tibetan Buddhism and the Chinese Buddhism. Based on this study, the Qing Emperor Gaozong is the key role who affected the history of Buddhism during the Qing Dynasty. Furthermore, when researching, especially via the view and policy of the main emperor, the influence to the Buddhism of “ taking advantage of ” or “ utilizing ”, we have to precisely clarify one’s belief if from literatures and should not treat different matters as the same. It could affect and result in different conclusions. Thus, this study could be the reference of the emperor’s religion belief. While studying and acutely being aware of the viewshed of the Buddhism, it would contribute to development of literature and history. Therefore, studying the religion belief and viewshed of the Qing Emperor Gaozong, it assists not only to understand his policy of Buddhism, but his personality, the writing about the Buddhism, his biography. It could further browse the history of Buddhist beliefs of the emperors of the Qing Dynasty and being able to extensively research.


方立天:《中國佛教與傳統文化》 上海市:上海人民出版社,1998年5月
陳垣:《中國佛教史籍概論》 上海市:上海書店出版社,2002年5月
林秋燕:<乾隆帝的黃教政策及其影響>史耘 第五期,1999年9月
