  • 學位論文

Facebook網路廣告效應: 跨文化觀點

Facebook Advertising Effect: A Cross-Cultural Perspective

指導教授 : 張瑋倫 張瑋倫


截至2017年第四季為止,Facebook在全球有21.3億活躍Facebook用戶。在過去的幾年中,社交網站的驚人增長吸引了許多公司的注意力,進一步探索這些潛在的好處同時,Facebook在泰國和台灣也相當流行與成功,根據報告顯示Facebook廣告支出增加近10億泰銖(約2920萬美元)。然而,台灣的Facebook滲透率最高,台灣地區近95%的人使用Facebook,這顯然使其成為展示廣告的相對較好的管道。消費者在決策過程的態度都可以作為評估行銷有效性的重要手段。此外, Facebook的廣告也呈現其正在成為商業展示的重要來源,而且這些公司正在將Facebook廣告作為吸引顧客的有用策略。因此,本研究提出了兩個問題:(1)消費者對Facebook廣告的態度如何? (2)Facebook廣告如何影響購買決策? 現有研究顯示,有效開展Facebook廣告策略的重要性在於選擇正確的目標顧客,以及顧客對廣告和網絡策略的態度。本研究提出了三個有影響的因素,並提出一個概念模型:個人因素,心理因素和網絡營銷組合4S。本研究收集了104個樣本,包括有Facebook帳戶的泰國和台灣受訪者。本研究還提供了兩國消費者對Facebook網站廣告和購買決定的態度之間的交叉分析。同時,我們用不同的對Facebook廣告的態度來觀察國籍與文化的差異。研究結果顯示,泰國消費者對Facebook廣告的態度以及網站上的消費者購買決定的結果與台灣消費者非常相似。首先,圖片廣告和視頻廣告是最基本的Facebook廣告類型,它們是值得使用廣告活動。其次,消費者在網站上購買決定,廣告影片和形象廣告都可以激勵進行購買,主要原因是價格,促銷和便利。最後,不同文化背景下的客戶點出不重要的網站因素,如離線商店,電子郵件和網站錯誤。我們認為當消費者可以從網站購買產品或服務時,就不會想去實體店。而且,當電子郵件催促他們購買他們已經購買的產品或服務時,電子郵件的行銷方式可能會讓他們感到反感。 隨著互聯網應用在商業上的成長,網絡廣告已成為核心營運策略。本研究探討了不同文化的Facebook廣告策略,從顧客角度來看,Facebook策略的差距可以填補文獻的缺口,這些文獻過去皆從營運者的角度來看廣告。公司會嘗試和檢查每一個廣告策略,以接觸到他們的客戶,因此,公司會瞭解哪種策略可以幫助實現行銷目標。其次,公司必須考慮使用與客戶溝通的多媒體內容。第三,消費者可以查看更多關於公司品牌,產品或服務的訊息,並根據經驗做出購買決策。因此,公司應該與網頁設計公司合作,以改善外觀,功能和可用性。


There are 2.13 billion monthly active Facebook users in the fourth quarter of 2017 in the worldwide. Over the past few years, the phenomenal growth in such a social network site has attracted the attention of companies to tap into these potential benefits. Facebook is also popular and successful both in Thailand and Taiwan. Digital Facebook advertisement spending will rise by nearly THB1 billion (about $29.2 million). However, Taiwan has the highest Facebook penetration rate and nearly 95 percent of Taiwanese use Facebook, which obviously makes it a comparatively better channel to display advertising. Consumers’ attitudes at each stage of the process can be used as an important measure in evaluating the effectiveness of marketing practice. Moreover, growing Facebook-based advertising is perhaps an indication that it is becoming an important source of business presentation and the firms are taking Facebook advertisement as a useful strategy to attract customers. Thus, this study proposes two questions: (1) what are the consumers’ attitudes toward Facebook advertising? (2) how does Facebook advertising effect on purchase decision? Existing researchers reveal the importance of conducting Facebook advertising strategy effectively is to choose the right target audience, customer attitude toward advertising and web strategy. This study takes three influential factors into account to propose a conceptual model in terms of personal factors, psychological factors, and web marketing mix 4S. This study collected 104 samples including Thai and Taiwanese respondents who have Facebook accounts. This study also provides cross analysis between the two countries of consumers’ attitudes toward Facebook advertising and purchase decision on the website. Meanwhile, we examine the perceived differences of nationality with different attitudes toward Facebook advertising. The result of Thai consumers’ attitudes toward Facebook advertising and consumers purchase decision on the website is quite similar to Taiwanese consumers. Firstly, image advertising and video advertising are most basic Facebook advertising types but they are worth running advertising campaigns. Secondly, consumers purchase decision on the website, collection advertising, video advertising and image advertising can motivate them to make purchases. The major reasons are price, promotion, and convenience. Finally, customers in different culture indicate less important of the website such as an offline store, email, and website error. We assumed that when consumers can purchase products or services from websites, they don’t want to go to physical stores. Moreover, email marketing can make them annoyed when emails urged them to buy products or services that they had already purchased. As the Internet has proliferated the business world, online advertising has become the core marketing strategy. This study explores the strategies of Facebook advertising based on different cultures. A gap of Facebook strategies from the customer perspective can be filled in the literature, which used to place weight on advertising from the marketer’s view. Firstly, companies attempted and examined every advertising strategy to reach their customers; therefore, they will know which strategy will help them achieve the marketing goals. Secondly, companies have to consider using multimedia content that communicates with customers. Thirdly, consumers can view more information about company’s brand, product or service and make purchasing decisions based on experience. Hence, companies should cooperate with a web design company to improve the look, functionality, and usability.


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5. Baadsgaard, J. (2018). Choosing the Right Facebook Ad Types for Your Business. (2018, April 25). Retrieved from https://www.disruptiveadvertising.com/social-media/facebook-ad-types/
